Chapter 17: Archangel

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A/N: This story contains graphic content not suitable for children and is therefore rated M.


Chapter 17: Archangel

Human World...

Naruto, along with his lovers and allies Aamon, Barbatos, Pruflas, and Astaroth, led the legions in an attack on a human village, hoping to draw out the attention of Heaven while the villagers prayed for salvation, letting God know where they were.

Not even a minute had passed since they started attacking the humans when a portal opened up in the sky and a countless number of angels poured out.

In terms of numbers, the heavens have the advantage over the devils, then the fallen with the fewest members; however, as the war progresses, more angels fall, adding to the ranks of the fallen.

The devil races have the advantage in terms of ability diversity and the devil gear that Lord Lucifer bestows upon those who gain his favor.

True the devil race is stronger than the fallen and angels but the biblical god's power was so great that it kept the other two factions at bay and the fact the angels and fallen used light energy which is the main weakness of the devil race.

But today is different; the Biblical God has been weakened by sealing the Apocalypse Beast, and with the Devil Race attacking humans across the globe, the Biblical God will not have a choice but to divide his army and face the Satans in his weakened state.


Naruto stood before the legion of devils and used his magic so that hundreds of thousands of them could hear his words.

"Remember the plan; we'll keep the enemies here as long as possible. The high-class devils will battle against the angels with three pairs of wings or more. The others will be left for our legions, who will all work in teams of three to take down as many enemies as possible." The Satanchia Heir explained.

"I don't have a problem with the plan, but should we assist Lord Lucifer if we destroy all the enemies here?" asked the arrogant Lord Barbatos.

"No Lord Lucifer's orders are clear; we are to cause as much chaos as possible in the human world to draw the angels to us, while he deals with the Biblical God." Naruto replied. "But if you want to question his plan, you are welcome to do so to Lord Lucifer directly."

When Naruto said that he watched in amusement as Lord Barbatos visibly paled at the thought of questioning the Father of Devils' orders.

"Ah, no it was just a suggestion," Lord Barbatos stated and remained silent afterwards.

"So where were we? Yes, our goal is to cause chaos and destruction in the human world, and to slay our enemies. That is all. Now, is everyone ready to put an end to this war?" Naruto asked.

"YES!" the legions of demons shouted, ready to eliminate their hated enemies. A massive teleportation circle opened beneath Naruto and the demon army, and they were transported to the human world.

Flashback End...

Naruto saw the Archangel Raziel, the 'Angel of Mysteries', appear alongside Metatron, 'the Voice of God'. Both angels were powerful and in some cases a greater threat than Michael.

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