Chapter 22: Satan Candidates.

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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content and is not suitable for children.


Chapter 22: Satan Candidates.

Underworld [New Satan Faction]....

Bael Territories...

The founder of the Bael clan, Zekram Bael, called a meeting with all the heads of the New Satan Faction to discuss the recent war between the Old Satan Faction and the Extra Demon Faction.

They were all gathered inside a massive coliseum-like structure that looked like arena gladiators would fight; the speaker was in the middle of the field, and the majority of the audience was in their seats.

"The war between the Old Satan and the Extra Demons has ended in the total loss of the Old Satan faction; we have learned that only Rizevim Livan Lucifer survived the battle, while the rest of the children of the original Satans perished," Ajuka Astaroth announces making the crowd erupt.

Ajuka left the stage after presenting what he had found, leaving the floor to Lord Bael as he returned to sit with his friends Sirzechs, Serafall, and Falbium.

Zekram had expected the war to go on for much longer, allowing the New Satan faction time to gather enough strength and eventually wipe out both of them, taking control of the underworld for themselves. Instead, the Extra Demon Faction managed to destroy the Old Satan faction within days.

"So what do we do now?" asked a random devil, and there it was, what should they do, thought Zekram Bael.

They have two options: They can attack the extra demon faction and try to destroy it, but there's the risk that they might end up like the old Satan faction; or they can do nothing and continue to build their strength until they are strong enough to take the underworld for themselves.

"Is it true that Naruto Satanchia is the leader of this new faction?" Lord Astaroth asked with a scowl on his face.

"It is indeed true, as my spy reported; he is the current leader of that faction," Zekram replied.

"I say we attack them as soon as possible and wipe them out of existence," Lord Astaroth said with an insane look on his face.

"That wouldn't be wise," Lord Gremory stated. "We know very little about their strengths, and they have defeated a faction more than twice their size in a short amount of time. Acting rashly could get us all killed."

"Well said, Lord Gremory. I made the right decision in allowing my daughter to marry you," Zekram said, looking proudly at his son-in-law's way of thinking.

"Why do we have to be careful?" asked Lord Phenex. "We have two Super Devils and at least two others that have the strength to rival the original Satan."

"That is true, but they are still young devils, while we are up against a faction that has one experienced Super Devil and several Devils that can rival the Original Satan's power." Lord Bael, the son of Zekram, explained.

Some of the devils looked confused, mainly the younger ones, while the older devil had a look of realization before it turned to horror.

"What do you mean? I thought that only me, Ajuka, and Rizevim were Super Devils; who is the fourth one," Sirzechs asked curiously about the fourth Super Devil's identity.

"First off, what is a Super Devil?" Zekram asked, looking around to see if anyone truly knew the answer.

"A Super Devil is a Devil that possesses abilities not usually seen in a normal Devil. For me, it's my abnormally high amount of demonic energy and my Kankara Formula. For Sirzechs, it's his massive demonic energy and his unnatural control over the power of destruction," Ajuka Astaroth replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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