Chapter Two

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Maple Ridge's resident rooster crowed at exactly 6am, jostling me from my otherwise-peaceful sleep. I couldn't hear any movement downstairs, so I supposed that Uncle John was either out working or still asleep. I took this free time to unpack my things. After all, my parents were never coming back to get me, so I might as well try to get settled, right? After hauling my shabby suitcase up onto the bed, I lifted all my packed belongings out and placed them on the hardwood floor. Then, I organised my clothes in the tall oak closet, set my laptop on the desk, loaded my books into the wide bookcase opposite, until the room was beginning to feel more and more like my room back in the city. 

My somewhat good mood, however, was diminished when I walked into the kitchen. A long chores list, written in Uncle John's scrawly handwriting, was resting on the kitchen table. I discarded it immediately. What did he think I was? His new-found slave or something? Pulling on my trainers, I charged outside, slamming the front door behind me. I wasn't having any of this. I quickly turned a corner, racing up a dirt trail which I hoped led out of Maple Ridge. I had to escape, at least for a few hours anyway. I had to get away- from Maple Ridge, Uncle John, my new life. Everything.

Sorry this chapter's so short! I'd had a few problems with logging on to Wattpad, but for some random reason, it finally worked, so I took the chance to write before it crashed on me xD

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed what was of this chapter, and I have an exciting addition in Amy's story in Chapter Three! Read to find out more...

*cue dramatic music*

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