Chapter Three

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"How could he be so selfish?" I thought out loud. I'd been picking my way down the trail for a while now, angrily ranting on about Uncle John. "I didn't choose to come here! My parents didn't choose to die! If it wasn't for that stupid car accident, I would still be living my life in the city, not in this lonely dump!" I mean, I had a point. I never came to Maple Ridge by choice, to become John's stable hand. I didn't even know anything about horses! I was purely here to 'find myself' I guess, and try to move on from the trauma of my parents deaths.

 I kicked a fallen pinecone. It had been a few hours since I'd last seen anyone or anything, and in between my angry rants, I could here my stomach rumbling. I instantly regretted not picking anything up before I left- I hadn't even had breakfast after all- but I guess I wasn't thinking straight when I stormed out. 

I eventually came to a slight opening in the woods, and it led me to the edge of a steep slope sort of thing, jutting out over the plains of Alberta. Even though I hated life here, I had to admit- the scenery looked pretty beautiful. With the sun peeking out from behind the light wisps of clouds, and the hazy blue sky stretching above it, the open plain was bathed in a warm glow. 

Suddenly, I heard the sound of hooves pounding against the ground in quick beats. Looking below me, a herd of horses galloped across the plain. But these weren't any horses. They were wild horses. Wild mustangs. Dad had told me about them before he'd died, and how they roamed the Eastern Slopes of Alberta.

 Leading the herd was a beautiful jet black mustang, his strides swallowing up the ground, his long mane flowing back by the wind, a flash of bay, grey and palomino chasing behind him. I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture before they ran out of sight, lost to the wild once more.

Aaah! We finally have some horses! And if you can already guess, do you think Amy will see those mustangs again?? Let me know if you enjoyed!

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