Chapter Seventeen

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When you love something, losing them is the worst feeling. You feel lost, empty, like your entire world has come crashing down on you. And I knew because that's what I was going through right now. 

Spirit was gone. 

Now, instead of spending my days happy beside Spirit, I spent them alone, crying the hours away. Sometimes alone in my room, other times alone in the meadow. 

It was hard to keep my heart together as I remembered the last I saw of him- how he'd refused to load, how the whites of his eyes showed with fear... before he disappeared into the distance like he'd never even existed.

But sometimes, as a waited and watched, if I listened hard enough, I could almost hear him neigh, like he was calling out to me, like he was still with me, like he still filled that once-broken piece of my heart.

Out of all my confusion, one thing was for certain- I'd never forget my horse. 

I'd never forget Spirit.


The rooster crowed again in the early hours of the morning. Usually, I wouldn't mind, but today it aggravated me. 

Accepting I wouldn't get back to sleep, I steadily rose from the bed and sat at the foot on the hardwood floor. I put my head in my hands, preparing for another long day of crying. 

A few quiet minutes later, I heard the familiar voices of Uncle John and Jacob. That was strange. It was only 6:00am. Jacob didn't usually come down this early, and Uncle John shouldn't have started his morning rounds yet.

I turned around and looked outside the solitary window above my bed. I saw Uncle John standing in front of Jacob, who was holding two bags and hauling them into the back of John's Jeep. Then, they... hugged? 

Confused, I shuffled downstairs and out the front door, still in my slippers and pyjamas.

Uncle John, who saw me, mysteriously said "I'll leave you two to talk," before slipping into the barn to turn the horses out. 

"Hey," Jacob didn't give his usual lopsided grin as he greeted me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Amy," He began, taking my hand as he spoke. "I'm leaving. I got a job at Mr. Walker's ranch and-"

But I cut him off.

"What?" I cried, pulling my hand out of his. "First, my parents die. Then Spirit gets taken away. And now, your leaving too?" I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Not forever. But, if you'd let me finish..." He paused. "I think I know how you can get Spirit back."

For those next few moments, it felt as if time stood still.

I could feel my heartbeat start to pound a little faster and my stomach began to swirl.

"How?" I could barely breathe.

"I could work at the Walker's for a few days, monitor their schedule- basically see when they open and close. Then, I could call you, you come down to meet me and we could bust Spirit out."

"You mean steal him?" I squeaked.

"Yes. No. I mean, he's rightfully yours anyway," Jacob continued.

I was lost in thought.

I'd do anything to get Spirit back. And if that meant stealing him from Georgia, then that's what I'd do.

A little of a longer chapter for y'all!

Do you think their plan will work? Will Amy get Spirit back?

Comment down below!

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