Chapter Fifteen

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"Heels down, Amy!" Jacob commanded. "Look at your fence!" I tried to focus on the red-and-white painted rails looming ahead of me, but I was distracted. 

What had Georgia meant yesterday? What did she mean she'd 'see Spirit again soon?'

Lost in thought, I'd forgotten about Red rocking beneath me, the impending fence and Jacob. Hurriedly, I looked back up but it was too late. Red swerved sharply to the left instead of over the jump, and a slipped to the side, losing my balance. I grasped a hunk of Red's mane to regain my balance and stay on.

"Amy! Look at your fence!" Jacob snapped from the centre of the ring. "Again!"


"Jacob," I fell into stride beside Jacob after my disastrous lesson. "I was wondering... do you think I could have a lesson on Spirit? I mean, we-"

"Are you crazy?" Jacob stopped me beside the barn. "Amy, he's a wild horse! He probably hasn't even seen a saddle and bridle before, let alone be ridden!"

"But we have this connection in a way, and-" I protested.

"He's not ready," Jacob snapped. "And neither are you." 

Tears pricked my eyes as Jacob walked away back to the house, leaving me with Red. He'd never shouted at me like that before. Or ever. 

I quickly wiped my tears away, suddenly angry. What did he know? He didn't know Spirit like I did. I could ride Spirit. I knew I could. And I was going to prove it.

Very short, I know, but Wattpad keeps quitting on me for some reason, and it's making it hard for me to write. I'll try a longer chapter later, but for now, we're gonna have to keep it short. Sorry!  😬

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