Chapter Twenty

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I'd lost track of time as we'd escaped, and I could only pray that Jacob had gotten away too.

Now, dawn broke, bathing the open plain in a warm glow. I had no idea where we were, and I didn't care. All that mattered was that I'd got Spirit back.

Riding him felt so much better than I could ever of imagined. We were riding as one. Breathing as one. Living as one. It felt as if nothing could get in our way. Not the ground beneath our feet, not the struggles that lay ahead. Because right now, it was just us, and I never wanted to give up these feelings or this horse for anything in the world.


Hours had passed.

I hadn't had any time to think during the escape, and right now, it felt like I had all the time in the world. I thought about Jacob and my last words to him- I love you. I realised now that it was true. Jacob had been there with me through everything. He'd taught me how to ride, he'd planned the escape... Without him, I probably wouldn't even have gotten Spirit back- and for that, I owed him everything.


I watched as the sun steadily rose, painting the sky beautiful shades fiery red and orange. At this point in time, people all around the world would be waking to another long day, where they would struggle to battle the tyranny of emotions- sadness, loss, grief- and try to clear their heads, to try to make sense of this life, to find their destiny, to feel what I feel as I ride Spirit.

Because when we're riding, all I feel is... free.

It's short, but...

The End

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