Chapter Five

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The sun beat down on me as I swiftly walked down the dirt trail, trying to find those mustangs  again. I'd woken to the roosters early call, and had somehow managed to slink past Uncle John undetected. Obviously, this would mean I would miss out on another load of chores and probably face another hard lecture, but I didn't care. 

Minutes later, I found myself at the edge of the slope, looking out over the stretching, empty plain. They weren't there. Only the soft, flowing movement of the tall grass in the light breeze made a sound during those otherwise still, soundless moments. 

Suddenly, I heard a crack of a twig coming from behind me. I sharply turned around, facing the dense undergrowth. Still, nothing. Until, a pair of bright amber eyes stared out at me from behind the bushes. A soft growling and the padding of paws steadily grew more audible. A cougar. I could feel my blood pumping in my ears, my heartbeat growing faster and faster. Turning to run, I didn't dare look back. All I focused on was escaping the threat of death. I took a sharp left, veering away from the trail and into the outskirts of the forest. 

All of a sudden, I tripped and fell into the prickly undergrowth, thorns piercing my skin. Rolling out the other side, I found myself again in an open part of the woods. A meadow, perhaps. I could hear a quick thudding sound, maybe the fast-paced beating of my heart?

But then, a black figure moved into my eyeline. Blurred at first, but, as it approached, stopping a few metres away from me, I knew exactly what it was.

Mmm yes, another short chapter, but like I said, going into major editing mode soon, so do for the mo.

Anyway, can you guess what happens next 😏??

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