Chapter Four

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We sat at the dinner table in silence, as usual. The only sounds were the incessant scraping of Uncle John's fork against his plate, and his husky voice giving me a hard lecture of appropriate behaviour at the ranch. When I'd returned from my... well, let's call it 'sightseeing', earlier, John hadn't been too happy about it. And the fact that I hadn't done any of my 'chores' either. But, despite all that, my mind was focused on something else, his voice blocked out. I couldn't stop thinking about those mustangs- the black one in particular. How his long, powerful strides ate up the ground, but still held such a grace. How his taut muscles rippled under his gleaming black coat as he galloped. How he captured such freedom, how he expressed such a wild, untamed spirit. 

"Spirit..." I murmured.

"What was that, Amy?" Uncle John asked, an angry tone still to his voice. He had already finished his homemade lasagna, and was raising himself from his seat, pushing the chair away from the table.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"Finish eating up then." Uncle John turned and put his plate in the sink, turning the tap on and spraying water over the ceramic.

I picked up my fork, steadily poking my untouched lasagna with the metal. To be fair, the dish didn't look very appetising. I swear something moved in there. 

"I'm not hungry, sorry." I quickly lied, swiftly rising from my seat and charging up the stairs to my room, slamming the door behind me. 


I flopped onto the bed, and the metal frame resisted with a squeak. Unlocking my phone, I opened my photos app, clicking my most recent picture of the mustang and his herd. He was frozen in mid-gallop, his head thrown up in the air, ears pricked and tail held high. I don't know why, but I couldn't get over him. I'd only seen him for like, five minutes, but something about his presence had... changed something in me somehow. I suddenly felt determined to find them again, to find him again. I don't know why or how, but I was sure of it- I needed to find him. I needed to find that mustang.

I know, I know- another short chapter. Oh and btw, if you didn't get the ending to this part, well, don't worry. This is sorta just the first draft of this book, and once it's finished, it's going to go into major editing 😅 So, don't mind my crappy writing for now. As always, lemme know what you think!

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