Chapter Twelve

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The early morning sun bathed Maple Ridge in a warm glow. But I wasn't out there to see it. Instead, I was kneeling beside Spirit in the makeshift recovery stall Uncle John and Jacob had set up when we had returned from the woods: it really was a miracle that Spirit had the little remaining strength to get up and walk back to Maple Ridge with us. 

In the stall, I was with the vet, Uncle John, and Jacob, who had driven down after he had heard what had happened. As the vet examined Spirit's deep gashes, I could feel my heartbeat racing, pounding in my chest, and my breathing came quick and sharp. 

Jacob, kneeling next to me, could sense my restlessness, and I felt his hand clasp mine. 

"The cuts aren't too bad," the vet explained. "But this horse is going to need at least a months box rest, possibly more than that."

"Will he be ok?" I interjected. As long as Spirit was safe, that was all that mattered.

The vet nodded. "It was very lucky you found him when you did. Without you, he probably wouldn't have made it." The vet gave me a sympathetic smile before continuing. "I'll come back over again to check on him in a months time. If you have any issues before then, call us at 'Alberta Province Veterinary Group' and we'll come down." She slipped a business card out of her pocket and into Uncle John's hand before leaving the barn. I heard her car stutter to life and back up down the driveway. 

"Uncle John," I motioned towards my Uncle. "Can I ask you something?" 

Jacob, sensing the moments need of privacy, left the stall to let us talk.

"Shoot," John agreed.

"How did you know I was in the woods last night? How did you find me? How did you know I'd left the house?" I pressed. 

"I heard you leave, so I followed you," He had a sheepish look on his face. "I was worried about you, Amy." 

A moment of silence passed between us. I'd never thought that my Uncle cared about me as he did his horses. But I was wrong. He took me in because he cared. He cared about me.

"Thank you," I whispered. I wrapped my arms around him, breathing in his horsey scent.

"For what?" Uncle chuckled, his arms looping around me.

"For everything."

Aww! Amy and Uncle John have FINALLY gotten close!!

Anyway, I wasn't really sure how to continue the story from this point, so sorry if the next chapter is a bit crap 😅

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