Chapter Six

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The mustang. The mustang. Standing a few metres away from me. Nostrils flared, ears pricked and coal eyes wary, he took a few tentative steps forwards, until he was right in front of me. I slowly rose from where I had fallen. Wiping the dirt from my face, I stretched a hand out towards the mustang. He backed away at first, but then, slowly, carefully, he edged back towards me, until I could feel his hairy chin tickling the tips of my fingers. Even though he was wild, in those few moments, everything slowed down, until it felt like time had stood still and there was nothing else in the world but us, standing in that meadow, the essence of freedom in the air.

Suddenly, he reared up, his jet black coat flashing in the bright blue sky. I quickly dodged his hooves, hastily taking a few steps backwards. He charged forwards, leaping effortlessly into a fast canter towards the undergrowth where I had fallen. 

The cougar, baring it's teeth, emerged from the forest just enough so that I could see it's bright amber eyes and yellowed fur. The mustang beat his hooves up in the air and kicked out with his back legs. Until, finally, the cougar retreated back into the shadows.

"You scared it off!" I barely breathed.

Then, the mustang turned and broke into a gallop, racing up the meadow until he was merely a black speck in the distance.

I turned back into the bushes- it was a long walk back to Maple Ridge and I had a lot to think over, Uncle John to avoid too. 

So, Amy has finally met the mustang up close! Next, we might just be able to get her to ride...

But! The most important question... do you think Amy is slightly warming up to her new equestrian life??

Lemme know what you thought in the comments!

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