Wow, I dont know anything about children

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Kokushibo has placed Momo onto the ground and is watching her slowly wobble around. Her injured feet cause her to move slowly. Kokushibo carefully watches her and pulls out a chair from the dining room table and sits on it. He watches her walk around and explore the house.

Momo slowly wobbles towards a chair adjacent to Kokushibo and pulls on it, she pulls it out a little bit and begins to try to climb it. He stands and picks her up, "What are you doing?" He asks her while holding her in his arms. She points to the table, "Do you just want to... stand on it? I... cannot let you do that..." Momo looks at him and nods.

She rubs her eyes and points to the ground. "Are you... tired?" Momo nods her head. "Alright, I will find you a bed to sleep in..." Kokushibo holds her close to him and walks into some of the rooms downstairs to search for a bed.

He stops in one of the rooms and realizes something, young children need cribs. Or is it just infants? Kokushibo can't decide, so he chooses to go into town the next night and buy some books about it. He feels that he is undereducated to take care of Momo. Maybe he should give her to somebody else? No, Kokushibo thinks, nobody else can or should take care of a demon child.

Kokushibo quickly realizes that all of the bedrooms are upstairs, he turns and walks up the stairs. He enters one of the many rooms and finds a suitable bed, he realizes that as he was searching Momo had fallen asleep in his arms. Oh, I'll just be careful when I set her down. Kokushibo sets her down gently and she stays asleep. I think this bed is too large, I'll have to find a smaller one later. He thinks as he pulls over a blanket and tucks Momo in as best as he can despite the large bed and her small size.

Kokushibo quietly walks out and makes sure not to close the door. What if she wakes up and needs to find me? He thinks.  Just hours before, Kokushibo had never thought he'd be taking care of a child. He thinks about how Muzan would feel about this, would he approve? Would he just have killed her instead?

Kokushibo also thinks about how exactly Momo could've become a demon in the first place. He is well aware of Muzan's rules about the age of someone you turn into a demon, did Muzan make a mistake? Did he somehow leave a large quantity of blood out and some toddler ate it?

Kokushibo has heard of all of the many stories of young children eating strange items, did the same thing happen with Momo? He is completely aware that a young child's hunger can lead them to eating whatever they can get their hands on, did her parents forget to feed her? Did they ever feed her? Kokushibo understands that Momo refuses to speak, all she makes are abstract noises.

Momo has not been able to answer or communicate at all, other than pointing and making a noise. Because of this lack of communication she can't give him any answers to his many questions. Kokushibo decides to leave and try to find some food for the two of them.

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