Its time for Muzan to make his move!

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"Alright..." Kokushibo then unwraps Momo from the towel and puts a hand in her pockets. He takes out a rock and then puts it back after verifying that she does indeed have a lot of rocks in her pockets. While he was out he bought some new clothes for her so he's going to change her into them. Kokushibo goes upstairs and opens Momo's door, he sets her down on her brand new bed. He changed her room completely, there is more floor space for her to play, there's a dresser with children's clothes in it, there is a toy chest and a smaller bed for her to sleep in. Kokushibo places Momo on the bed and walks over to the dresser in the room. He rifles through the drawers and finds a cute short dark blue dress, he walks back over and notices that Momo has woken up again. She waves at him and smiles, Kokushibo hands her the dress and she nods her head seemingly understanding what he means. "I'll be outside... come find me when you're done..." Kokushibo walks away and closes the door.

Momo puts the dress on and sheds her wet clothing. She staggers over to the dresser in her room and opens a drawer, she pulls out a pair of socks and puts them on. Momo goes to put her shoes back on but they're sopping wet, instead of wearing some shoes she walks over to the door and tries to open it but she's just a little too short.  Momo takes a stool sitting in the room and pushes it towards the door, she stands up on it and turns the doorknob, opening it. Kokushibo stands out in the hallway and goes over to the door and opens it fully. He sees Momo standing on a stool and hurriedly picks her up before she could object. "Don't climb... it's dangerous..." he says while Momo makes a face and sticks her tongue out. Kokushibo makes a tiny smile at her mean face, "I'm only doing this for your safety... I..." Kokushibo pauses his sentence and Momo looks up at him waiting for him to finish. "I... love... you..." Kokushibo awaits Momo's response. She smiles and laughs at this and hugs him. Kokushibo is a little shocked but reciprocates her hug and smiles again.

Kokushibo takes Momo back into the room and tells her that it's time for her nap, she nods and he places her on the bed. She crawls under the sheets and Kokushibo pulls the covers over her. He tucks her in and places a goodnight kiss on her forehead. His face turns a little red and Momo giggles happily. "Koku! Koku!" She says while reaching out towards him with her hands. He makes a shocked face and smiles a bit afterward. He leaves and is surprised at how much he enjoyed hearing Momo attempt to say his name. She's sweet, I'm glad I can take care of her. Kokushibo thinks to himself as he leaves the room.

Kokushibo walks downstairs and admires his handy work. He has changed the downstairs a lot too just as he changed Momo's room. He cleaned the house up a lot and fixed some of the broken furniture too, he even cleaned up the dusty couch he had been sleeping on for the last week he had been taking care of Momo. Kokushibo looks around and notices that the previously dilapidated house looks like a real home now.

He thinks about how he's going to have to tell Muzan about Momo. He went out to buy new stuff for the house because he wants Muzan to believe that he is doing well. He decides that tomorrow night he'll invite Muzan over and tell him the truth. Kokushibo knows that he can contact Nakime whenever he needs to but should he just wait until the day to contact Muzan? Or should he just go for it while Momo's taking a nap? He decides that he shouldn't wait and should just contact Nakime and ask her to take him to Muzan's office. Nakime, please take me to Muzan's office.
                "Of course Lord Kokushibo." Nakime responds as he hears the tune of her signature biwa. The area around him changes and he stands on a red carpeted floor outside of a luxurious darkwood door. Instead of just opening the door Kokushibo knocks politely and awaits an answer.

"Come in Kokushibo." Muzan says through the door, Kokushibo opens it and walks in closing it behind him.

"Muzan... I have something important to ask you..." Kokushibo says while standing near the door.

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