No more mother! Womp womp!

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Kokushibo roams the surrounding town, he observes anyone he can and tries to find a mother or a parent that resembles Momo even slightly. While Momo is a demon and her appearance might have changed, Kokushibo believes that she has only been a demon for a very short amount of time.

There is no way that Momo isn't a bit similar to her human form, and if she is similar, then her parents can be found. Kokushibo is already beginning to become attached to her and that her parents' gross negligence of her is already making him pissed off at them.

Kokushibo also believes that he needs some materials for children, a high chair, some bowls for food, toys, books, and clothing. He is dead set on helping and taking care of her, he isn't quite sure why. Kokushibo has decided that he is helping her because Momo can become strong with enough care.

While Kokushibo walks around he spots an older woman with bluish hair, she is frantically running around searching for something. She cusses and runs past him slightly pushing him before stopping and turning back towards him, "Hey, have you seen a young child? A little girl?" She says, "She's about three to four, blue hair?"

Kokushibo avoids her gaze to hide his many eyes and speaks to her, "Tell me... why do you not know where she is?..."

"I-, she-, listen, it's difficult to take care of a young kid. It's not like someone like you would know the hardship of having a child." She snaps back at him and starts to turn away.

Kokushibo stops her, "How dare you pretend as though you loved your child... you disgust me... I will let you live as long as you show me your home.. take me to your house.." Kokushibo looks up at her face and reveals his eyes, in horror the woman nods and turns.

She walks quickly and quietly towards her home, she opens the door and shakily turns around to look at Kokushibo. She can't even speak, she's terrified of him but she tries to ask him with her final words. "C-ca-n I g-go?" She says, and Kokushibo says nothing.

He thinks to himself for a minute, should he spare her? No, he thinks, she is scum. She is the scum of the Earth, she is a horrible mother and refuses to say anything about her child that could be positive. Right now, she could have said that she needs to stay alive because she has a family. But she didn't.

Kokushibo finishes his train of thought by slicing her into small pieces. Disappointed, he steps over her sliced up pieces. He walks into the home and looks around, he is surprised to find exactly what he was looking for.

A high chair and some other things like smaller plastic bowls so if a child were to drop them they wouldn't break. He walks over to the high chair and wipes a finger over it, yup, it's horribly dusty. He takes the pieces apart and holds them under his arm. He also holds the bowls he found under his arm as well.

He walks back out into the night and on his way back to the house he and Momo were staying in he kills another person and saves an arm for her.

He makes it back home and sets down the chair pieces, the bowls, and the severed arm he saved for her. The sun is going to rise soon so Kokushibo closes all the blinds and windows on his way back upstairs to check on Momo. He pushes the already open door and looks into the room, he sighs in relief, Momo is still fast asleep under the covers.

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