Muzan's on thin ice

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Kokushibo's face is almost and sad as hers is, he pulls her close and turns around while patting her on the back. "It's ok... You're going to be alright... I'm so sorry." Kokushibo says while trying to comfort her. Momo continues to cry and as tears roll down her face she points at Muzan and makes some noises. "I know... I know..." Kokushibo says while bouncing her in his arms and covering her face with his large sleeves. Muzan is horrified at this and feels horrible about Momo's reaction to him. Momo's hands are balled up into fists and she tries to wipe her tears away. Kokushibo takes his sleeves and wipes her face for her while pulling her into an embrace. "It's alright..." Kokushibo reminds her again as she starts to calm down. He also pats her head and bounces her in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, I should go." Muzan says while turning away and covering his increasingly red face.

"No... please.. stay... I'll try to get her to understand that you didn't mean it.." Kokushibo says while looking down at Momo. She wipes her eyes and looks back up at him, she reaches up and tugs at a piece of Kokushibo's hair. "Momo, Muzan is very sorry for what he did... Can you please give him a chance?" Kokushibo says while allowing Momo to play with his hair. Momo slowly nods her head and looks back at Muzan.

Muzan stumbles over his words for a bit until he finally manages to choke out that he was apologetic and was acting irrationally. Momo seems less fearful and Kokushibo breathes a heavy sigh of relief when she's feeling better. When Momo cries Kokushibo panics hard, but only internally, and tries his hardest to calm her. Momo looks towards Muzan again and she seems to be feeling better while turning to face him. Momo makes a confused face and points at Muzan, "Mmph? Mmph?" She makes some questioning noises and Kokushibo tries to decipher what she means.

"What..?" Kokushibo asks.

"Why won't she speak?" Muzan asks, he tilts his head while looking at her.

I'll... tell you later.." Kokushibo says while thinking about what Momo could possibly mean, "Ah... I see.. He is Muzan Kibutsuji.." Kokushibo points at Muzan and Momo nods.

Muzan nods, "So that's what she meant. You're good at figuring out what she means." Kokushibo feels his face heat a little but he shoves that feeling down and nods his head at this information.

"I'm going to set her down... then we'll talk..." Kokushibo's natural methodical style of speaking calms Muzan and he admires his beauty as Kokushibo slowly puts Momo into the ground. Muzan leans against the wall and stares intently at Kokushibo's form. His long angular nose, his muscular but still very flattering figure, his beautiful luscious hair and lips. Muzan remarks to himself, god I wish I could run my hands through his hair and make him mine. He catches himself being kind of creepy and decides to calm down his thoughts. Muzan is practically drooling over Kokushibo as he looks him up and down. Fortunately Muzan comes back to reality as Kokushibo starts talking to him while watching Momo.

"You asked about why Momo doesn't speak... I'm not sure what happened but... Momo's tongue is severed." Kokushibo looks towards Muzan and checks his face for a reaction. Muzan seems shocked but also seems to have a little bit of anger hidden in his expression as well. Kokushibo is surprised by his anger, "Please tell me..." Kokushibo begins before pausing to approach Muzan closer, "Do you like Momo? Do you approve of her?"

Muzan seems shocked that Kokushibo doubts him and his feelings about his child. "Of course, I trust that you will be an excellent father." Muzan looks Kokushibo in the eyes, Kokushibo is a little embarrassed by being called a father and his face flushes red. "What's wrong?"

"I... I was just surprised to be called a father... that's all." Kokushibo says while covering his face. He's not ashamed to be a parent, he just wasn't expecting to hear it from Muzan.

"So, are you going to teach her to read or write, what about her numbers?" Muzan seems interested in Momo's life.

"I know that she knows how old she is but... without speech it's difficult to know exactly how I should teach her things..." Kokushibo says while holding his chin in one hand and making a thinking pose.

Muzan sees his opportunity to make a romantic move and gets up close to Kokushibo, their noses are almost touching when Muzan stands still. Kokushibo can feel Muzan's warm breath on his face and starts to sweat a bit. Kokushibo is already a little excited because Muzan is so close to him, Kokushibo loves physical touch, Muzan takes Kokushibo's chin in his hand and lifts it up, only a little because Kokushibo is taller. Despite their height difference Kokushibo looks Muzan in the eyes. "Why don't you let me, I can teach her." Muzan inches even closer to Kokushibo and their chests press against each other, "Oh and another thing." Muzan begins in a seductive voice or at least a seductive voice to Kokushibo. Currently he's freaking out, his face is red and he's shivering underneath Muzan's touch. He desperately wants more attention but covers this urge in order to present himself as professional. "Momo needs her hair cut and brushed out." Muzan finishes his statement and finally lets go of Kokushibo's chin while turning around to look at Momo and confirm that her hair is a bit unruly. Kokushibo breathes a sigh of relief and his face begins to start being paler and back to his original complexion. Kokushibo wasn't aware of just how touchstarved he was, I wish I could hold him and make him mine. Kokushibo quickly ignores these thoughts and walks over to Momo.

"I should've known... I don't have any scissors..." Kokushibo says to himself as he scoops Momo back up ignoring her protests and pointing at the random ceramic cup she had gotten her hands on. Kokushibo looks at her hair and runs his hands through it, he can hardly do it. Her hair isn't matted but it's definitely got some knots in it. It's long too, it's down to her ankles.

"That's alright, I've got some." Muzan pulls a pair out of the palm of his skin, he seems very pleased with his romantic advances and is proud that he can happily balance being a good partner and being nice to Momo as she is Kokushibo's child. He never thought he'd get with a man with a kid.

"Thank you... let me get a chair." Kokushibo pulls a chair out from the table and sets it down in an empty area of the house. He sets Momo down on the chair, "Please stay..." he tells her while walking over to Muzan again. "We need a brush too.."

"Allow me." Muzan says while pulling a brush out of his palm as well. Muzan feels like he's showing off to his crush.

Kokushibo nods and walks over to Momo. He's not sure where to start. Kokushibo was always careful with his appearance, he's always been very hygienic and has tried to cling to the more human side of his hygiene. However he has no idea how to fix this level of knotting in her hair. He freezes up and tries to figure out what he should do.

"Oh here, I'll do this for you." Muzan takes the brush back and takes her jellyfish hat off, he then gently starts to take the knots out of her hair. Momo seems pleased with this and swings her feet while allowing Muzan to fix her hair. Momo's hat is glistening in the light, the small rainbow strands are shining under the moonlight filtering through the windows. Kokushibo is now alone with his thoughts and begins to think about how it's his fault that Momo's hair is messy and knotted. He feels guilty and thinks about all the other things he feels he failed her at.

While Muzan brushes out her knots he can feel that Kokushibo isn't very happy. Their mind links are incredibly close because of Kokushibo being around him all the time and having been the second strongest demon ever and being the oldest. Muzan can sometimes sense Kokushibo's emotions if they're particularly strong, Muzan also noticed that in the last two meetings Kokushibo's mind had been cluttered and while Muzan didn't want to intrude he noticed that Kokushibo was full of thoughts and emotions as compared to his normal empty mind. Muzan finishes brushing Momo's hair and turns around. "I've finished detangling Momo's hair, now we have to cut it. How short do you want it?" Muzan decides to leave Kokushibo's negative thoughts behind and wants him to focus on his daughter. Kokushibo walks over and admires her newly brushed locks, they're beautiful and he's shocked at the amount of hair she has. Kokushibo decides to have her hair cut to her waist, while its current length is down to her ankles.

"I think her hair should stop at her waist... it's really nice.." Kokushibo pulls her hair through his hands and caresses it, it's super soft and nice.

"Her hair is very nice, I agree her waist is a nice spot to have her hair stop." Muzan begins to measure out her hair and starts to cut her hair shorter, after a while he finishes and goes around to Momo's hair and cuts her bangs a little as well. "Done, how do you like it?" Muzan directs this question to Momo and she nods her head happily while smiling, Muzan pats her head and she makes a happy noise.

"Wow... it's amazing.. thank you Muzan." Kokushibo smiles and pats Momo's head too.

Muzan watches him smile and makes a shocked face while looking at Kokushibo. He shakes his head and regains his composure, "I can braid it for you. I could teach you to braid it, if you want." Muzan adds while standing up as he was kneeling down when cutting Momo's hair.

"Can you? That would be great.." Kokushibo picks Momo up and brings her over to the couch while sitting down with her in his lap. He ushers Muzan over while Momo gets settled and holds her jellyfish hat in her lap. Muzan sits down.

"Do this." Muzan then demonstrates how to braid and teaches Kokushibo. As they braid her hair and Muzan helps Kokushibo out Momo plays with her Jellyfish hat. She pokes it and it changes color and makes all sorts of shapes in the tendrils that float around in the gelatinous substance inside her hat. She smiles but makes sure to sit still while they braid her hair. As Muzan successfully finishes braiding half of her hair. He looks over to Kokushibo as he finishes his braid. Kokushibo's braid isn't perfect but it's not too bad, "It looks good. Momo, do you like it?" Muzan asks and she nods her head and makes more happy noises.

"Thank you Muzan... I appreciate your help." Kokushibo says while patting Momo's head, Momo smiles and jumps off of the couch and walks away.

"It was no trouble, oh, she left her hat." Muzan picks up Momo's hat off of the floor and holds it. He is astonished by it, "Look at this." He says as he pokes a section of the hat. As he does this the hat shifts color and the place he poked starts to fade into a gentle blue color while small white dots bubble up and then disappear as quickly as they appeared.

Kokushibo also seems shocked and watches as the effect fades from the hat shortly after it started. "Do you... think it's her Blood Demon Art?" Kokushibo asks while picking the hat up and inspecting its material. It's not a felt hat, it's made of a gelatinous material and seems to jiggle when moved.

"Probably, it's strange to think she developed one after such a short time of being a demon. How long has it been? A week?" Muzan asks as he watches Kokushibo mess with the material, stretching it and then watching it bounce back and jiggle.

"Yes... she's only been a demon for a week.." Kokushibo ponders the possibilities of how this could've happened. "To tell the truth, Momo isn't normal either... she's been growing and aging... she isn't healing her feet as she should... and now she's developing a blood demon art within only a week of her transformation." Kokushibo spills out this information and leaves it out for Muzan to chew on.

Muzan then thinks about how he could've possibly left such a large quantity of blood out. He racks his brain and then suddenly gasps out loud spooking Kokushibo, "I remember now! A week ago I was walking around this town and a woman accosted me, she tried to get me to..." Muzan coughs and moves on with his statement, "to.. get with her... and I got upset and filled her with my blood. But I left out a large amount without thinking because of how upset she made me. She had been walking around with a bowl of rice and had dropped it on the ground. I remember noticing that most of the blood I dropped ended up in that bowl, and I thought to myself that it looked like a strange kind of sauce. Anyway, I believe that Momo might've wandered out and somehow ate the rice and blood."

Somehow through that raving rant that Muzan had, Kokushibo eventually got the reason for his speech, "Ah... I see.. How much blood did you leave there?" Kokushibo asks.

"Easily a gallon, I was... very upset about her trying to make a move on me.." Muzan says embarrassingly.

"Oh, that is a lot... I'm surprised she's still alive.." Kokushibo says.

"Hmm, maybe the rice made it easier for her to digest?"

"That's a good theory..." Kokushibo adds..

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