Maybe i am gay???

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The moment the sun rises he hears the familiar twang of Nakime's biwa. A familiar and welcoming sound now turned into a bittersweet one because of last night's events. The meeting goes semi-well. Nobody died and luckily Akaza did most of the talking so Kokushibo could just stay silent. Before he's about to ask Nakime to send him back to his prior location Muzan calls him into his private office, he obliges of course and is taken there by Nakime.

"There's something very important I need to tell you." Kokushibo nods and kneels down onto the ground sitting on his knees, waiting for Muzan to continue, "Yesterday, I ran into a young child that had been transformed into a demon." Kokushibo hides his shock seemlessly and nods again. Muzan makes a face at his lack of a response, "I am curious, she had your aura lingering on her. Did you turn a three year old into a demon?"

"No, of course not... I know your rules about ages.. I would never betray you..." Kokushibo responds, Muzan looks down at the desk he's standing near. Kokushibo is now the one confused by the silence from Muzan. Kokushibo would typically ask him what he did wrong but right now he just wants to punish Muzan for what he did to Momo. He stays quiet. Muzan's face shows a pained and hurt expression before quickly changing to an emotionless one.

"Kokushibo, is everything alright? You are silent, even more so than normal." Muzan asks, he seems to hesitate before reaching forward and lightly resting a hand on Kokushibo's shoulder. Kokushibo feels his face heat slightly. He doesn't let the feeling linger before shaking his head and avoiding Muzan's gaze to dismiss the heat bubbling up in his cheeks. "Something is wrong... What is it?" Muzan sounds concerned, and Kokushibo's anger towards him dissipates. Kokushibo looks back up at him and makes a worried and sad expression.

"It's... nothing..." If Kokushibo were any other demon Muzan would've chastised him for having any emotions, and would've probably slashed their face open for lying. But Muzan acts differently with Kokushibo. Muzan desperately wants to make Kokushibo tell him but doesn't. Kokushibo changes the subject and decides to speak up, "What should I do if I find this... child.." he says.

"I'm not sure yet." Muzan would never tell any other demon this, with him the only answers he gives are direct and leave no room for interpretation. "What do you think?" He asks Kokushibo.

This level of affection from Muzan is utterly shocking, he's never been this nice before. It puts him on edge, "I would... take... care of them..."his confusion is very obvious when he speaks. Kokushibo begins to fear Muzan, he's always been quietly afraid of him but this newfound kindness is foreign to him. He tries to shake this fear away, and sits in silence awaiting Muzan's response.

Muzan turns away and seems to be contemplating Kokushibo's answer, in reality he's trying to hide the wide smirk slowly spreading across his face. He can hardly believe himself, is he really smiling at Kokushibo's confusion? Muzan shakes his head and turns back at Kokushibo with his natural emotionless expression on. "I trust your judgment, you may do as you wish." Muzan says, "You're dismissed." Kokushibo nods and gets up to leave. Muzan wants to ask Kokushibo more about the child he was talking about but assumes that he is telling the truth.

After Kokushibo leaves Muzan thinks about their interaction, Muzan doesn't like admitting it but he wants to try and get closer to Kokushibo.

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