Ah man... im a really bad adoptive father

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Momo seems relatively unfazed, just confused and concerned about Kokushibo randomly sticking his hand into her mouth and saying stuff she doesn't understand. As Kokushibo becomes lost in his thoughts of how he could possibly fix this, she finishes the rest of her food.

She sits still for a couple of seconds before lifting her hand up to Kokushibo's face and putting it over one of his lower eyes. This successfully rouses him from his thoughts, "You are finished... Did you enjoy your meal?.." He says while taking the bowl and putting it into the sink. He notices that the curtains in the kitchen appear to be getting lighter, he knows that the sun is rising.

He hears a faint approving noise from Momo while she stays seated in the high chair. He walks back around the corner and notices that she has a lot of remnants of the food she ate on her, luckily her face and hands are the only things that seem to be covered in blood. "Let's get you cleaned up..." Kokushibo picks her up out of the chair and takes her into the kitchen where he begins running the faucet.

He notices that the bandages on her feet are loose and dirty. "Are you in any pain?... Allow me to change those bandages for you.." He says, "While I retrieve the materials... Can you wash off your hands?.. If it is too.. difficult... I will do it for you when I get back.." In response Momo reaches forward and starts to wash off her hands under the running water.

Kokushibo leaves to grab the bandages he left in another room of the house. He is curious about what to do next, is there any way that he can help her? He wonders if he should ask someone like Douma for help, while Douma isn't his favorite person to talk to; he knows that Douma was in the company of a child for a time. Would he know what to do? Maybe, but he also remembers that Douma was with a newborn. Not a three year old.

Kokushibo sighs and walks back over to Momo sitting by the sink while cleaning off her hands. She is almost done, there are only some dried blood flakes under her fingernails. He sets down the bandages and helps her wash off her hands. Realizing that she almost completely cleaned herself up on her own, he thinks that he should praise her, "You.." Momo looks up at him, and he suddenly feels embarrassed to be saying things like this, "you've done... well..." he finally chokes

He feels embarrassed for being so nice but he recognizes that children need approval. He continues cleaning her up by taking a rag from one of the cabinets and wetting it, he wipes her face and takes off all of the now dried blood on it. Satisfied, he turns off the sink and he dries her face and hands off with a dry towel.

"Oh, I almost forgot.. your feet.. how do they feel..?" Kokushibo says while taking the only bowl out of the sink and stopping up the drain. Momo makes a confirming noise, he is confused. Does that mean they do hurt? "I should've been more specific... hold up your right hand for if they hurt... and your left hand if they don't.."

Kokushibo begins to fill up the sink with water while watching for Momo to lift up her hands. She lifts her left hand up, "Good.." Kokushibo says.

He moves her closer to the edge of the sink and unties her bandages. He carefully sets her feet into the water and shuts off the faucet, allowing her feet to soak in the pool of water. He examines the cuts in her feet, he takes note that they look slightly smaller but don't appear to have healed as instantly as he would've hoped.

He wonders how she stepped on the glass that pierced her feet in the first place, was it her horrible parents? Kokushibo takes another rag from a drawer and wets it in the water, "I am going to clean off your feet... Please, tell me if I hurt you.." he says while taking one of her feet in his hands and gently rubbing off some of the dried blood and dirt on her feet.

He is extremely careful and makes sure to not hurt her, but his mind wanders as he does this. Kokushibo has never been a talkative person but he has always been a scatterbrain when it comes to thinking about problems. He wonders about how long it will take her to heal and how he should take care of her, the sun has risen further and it reminds him to hurry. Momo needs to sleep, it's a strange thing for a demon child to sleep. Demons do not need to sleep, they can but it's not necessary and being tired isn't something that can happen either. It does mean something good though, young children sleep often because they're growing and if Momo is growing then she will age. Kokushibo wants to ask Muzan for help with taking care of her, he and Muzan's relationship is strange. Muzan is subtly affectionate, but he doesn't show it in front of anyone except Kokushibo. Kokushibo is curious about if he should ask Muzan for help, would he understand? Based on past conversations Muzan has had with Kokushibo about Rui, the childlike lowermoon five, Muzan had a lot of interest in him and Rui ended up being his favorite lowermoon. When he died Muzan was furious and killed all of the lower moons except the lower moon one but he ended up disappointing Muzan anyway. Kokushibo wonders if Muzan has a soft spot for children. Did he like Rui because he was young? Will he take Momo in because she is young?

"Mmph!" Momo pushes his hand away from her left foot.

"My apologies... I wasn't... paying attention.." Kokushibo says while pulling his hands back, "Are you alright?" Momo nods but one of the larger slices on her left foot bleeds into the water. Kokushibo feels incredibly guilty, he knows he should've been more careful.

He takes a towel and dries off her foot while unstopping the drain in the sink to drain the bloody dirty water. She pulls her other foot out of the water and Kokushibo quickly bandages her left foot making sure to be careful to not let any blood seep through. "I'm sorry... I.. didn't mean to.." Kokushibo hasn't been the best with words and especially apologies so he tries his hardest. He finishes bandaging Momo up and scoops her up into his arms.

She wraps her arms around his neck and lays against him, he still feels guilty and just wants to try and fix her feet. As he makes his way back to the bedroom that Momo was previously sleeping in he gets sucked back into his thoughts. He really starts to believe that Muzan would not like Momo, he believes that Muzan would see Momo as an accident, a mistake.

Momo's parents could've said the exact same thing, he feels like she is his own child. She will be Kokushibo's responsibility, and Muzan will never know about her. He places Momo onto the bed and tucks her in, she closes her eyes and Kokushibo leaves quietly.

He walks downstairs and as he gets to the final bottom step he remembers that Muzan will be calling a meeting soon, being uppermoon one means Muzan will warn him before a meeting is called. Another strangely nice thing that Muzan does for him.

Kokushibo knows that the next meeting will happen in five days. Muzan has the ability to read minds but he seldom reads Kokushibo's mind, knowing that he would never betray him and would never do something Muzan would disapprove of. But Muzan could still read his mind, whenever he would find a reason too.

Kokushibo just needs to prepare himself for if an accident could happen and Muzan would find out about Momo. Would he get upset about Kokushibo hiding it from him? All he can do is wait and see.

So Kokushibo decides to try and sleep through the day. He doesn't sleep often and hasn't slept in a long time. He normally spends the day in the infinity castle training or reading. However, he cannot do that anymore because he has to take care of Momo.

Kokushibo lays down on a couch in the living room of the abandoned house, it's not a bad couch. It's a bit dusty but other than that it's a great napping place. He closes his eyes and tries to relax, he is shockingly successful. And hours pass where he peacefully sleeps on the couch.

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