Muzan ruins everything (as he always does)

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Kokushibo opens the front door and sets Momo down on the floor with her new bunny. She smiles and makes happy noises, she seems perfectly content to play with her new toy. Kokushibo decides to sit down on the couch and read the new book he bought.

After about an hour he comes to the conclusion that Momo should have one midnight nap and then sleep completely through the day. And he also learns that you feed a child after a nap. Kokushibo stands up and walks over to Momo, "it is time for your nap, Momo... are you tired?..." She nods her head and Kokushibo picks her and her bunny up.

He carries her to her bed and sets her down doing his usual routine of tucking her in and leaving her door open. He decides to hunt in the surrounding town while she sleeps.

Kokushibo leaves the house and looks around for anybody unfortunate enough to cross his path. As he searches he thinks about how he feels about Momo. Kokushibo hasn't thought a lot about how exactly he feels about her but he recognizes that he is like a father to her. Would he like to be her father? Would she like to be his daughter? Kokushibo decides that he will act as her father, and that he cares deeply about her. He would be a coward to deny these thoughts and heartless to abandon her like her original parents did before.

He finds his mind wandering back to Muzan again. How does Kokushibo feel about him? What does Muzan think of Kokushibo? Kokushibo looks up to him but feels that Muzan doesn't care for anyone but himself while still having a soft spot for Kokushibo. While Kokushibo doesn't think this is necessarily a bad quality or something he disapproves of, he uses it as an explanation for why Muzan tortures other demons and not him. Maybe Muzan feels indebted to him for being the oldest surviving demon and also being the second most powerful.

Kokushibo ends up killing and eating three random people he finds in the village. He severs and saves the arm of the final person, for Momo of course. He makes it back home and cuts up and prepares the arm for Momo to eat. He decides to feed her himself, he doesn't want to be reminded of what happened to her tongue.

He walks up the stairs and wakes her up, she practically jumps into his arms and he carries her downstairs placing her inside the high chair he has. She squirms excitedly in her seat, Kokushibo finds this amusing and makes a small smile while bringing her the bowl of food he presented her yesterday.

He has a spoon this time and pulls a chair over, he sits down and spoon feeds her the pieces of meat. She enjoys it and smiles at him. Kokushibo is torn about something, when Momo smiles he feels inclined to join her. Should he? It's completely against what he normally does, and when he doesn't Momo typically doesn't mind. Would Muzan approve of me smiling? This thought shocks him a bit, but he brushes it off.

Throughout the next 3 days he follows his routine of waking up before sundown, waiting for Momo to awaken, playing with her for a bit, then putting her down for a nap, feeding her, changing the bandages on her feet, and then putting her to sleep again. On Friday, one day before the uppermoon meeting that Muzan had scheduled, Kokushibo decides to take Momo to the park.

He waits until after her nap and feeds her quickly, "Momo, would you like to go to... the park?" He asks her. She nods and makes a confirming noise. "Let's go..." he picks her up and she holds her bunny in her arms. Momo's feet have been steadily healing but for some reason she still can't walk properly, this fact greatly upsets Kokushibo.

He feels as though he has failed her in this aspect. Whenever he watches her try to walk faster or for a longer time and she struggles, he frowns deeply and picks her back up. He finds that he greatly enjoys holding her too. Muzan would be shocked at how soft I am behaving. Kokushibo has been finding himself thinking about Muzan's opinion a lot recently.

He continuously shoves these thoughts away but secretly he cares a lot about Muzan's opinions about him. Kokushibo isn't ready to face the real reason as to why he cares so much, so he devotes most of his time to caring for Momo. Which isn't difficult, with her there is always something she or him can be doing.

They arrive at the park and Kokushibo places her down in the sandbox. He realizes that very few people are out at this time of night, maybe he can leave her alone for a bit to get another book to keep him busy. He'll only be gone for a short time, "Momo..." he says and she turns around to look at him, "I'm going to leave for a few minutes... promise me you'll stay here... ok?" She nods and sits down in the sandbox, she starts to mess with her bunny plush and play with the sand.

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