Shopping trip!!

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He awakens right before the sun sets, he sits up and groggily looks around. It's soon going to be the perfect time to go visit town. Should he take Momo? She will be waking up soon, but should he just wake her up? Kokushibo decides to just explore the rest of the house and see if there are some things he could use that were left behind from when the previous owners abandoned it.

He walks around the bottom floor and discovers that most of the rooms on the bottom floor were just offices and storage rooms. He already knows that the upstairs is made of only bedrooms and bathrooms. After throughly exploring the bottom floor of the house he sees that the sun has just set.

He decides to wake Momo up and take her into town to get some toys for her. He walks up the stairs and into the room she's sleeping in, he walks over and gently rouses her from sleep. She rubs her eyes and he scoops her up into his arms. He holds her close and descends the stairs, he gets to the front door and Momo has fallen asleep again.

Oh well, Kokushibo thinks, it might be best if she's asleep. It'll be easier to keep her safe. He walks into town with Momo in his arms, quietly sleeping. The first thing on his mental list is to buy some shoes for Momo. It isn't safe for her to walk around barefoot and when her feet are injured.

He walks into a shoe store and after about 30 minutes walks back out with a small pair of shoes for her. He was surprised at the price of them, although he hasn't purchased anything in a long while he was shocked at how much certain things cost.

He then walks to a bookstore and asks the librarian a question, "Do you know where the books for new parents are..?" He asks in his notorious slow fashion, she looks up from whatever she's writing and points to a back shelf, "Thank you.." he turns and looks at the many book titles before selecting one called, 'A New Adoptive Parent's Guide to Toddlers' it's almost like it was tailor made for him.

As Kokushibo is purchasing the book he takes the opportunity to ask the librarian where the nearest toy store is. Again she silently stands, walks to the front of the store and points to another store halfway down the street. He nods and walks away, Momo finally awakens as they walk down the street.

She wiggles in his arms and Kokushibo finds a bench to sit on. He places her down on it, "I have a... gift for you.." he says as he places the shoes he bought for her on her feet. He feels the corners of his mouth pulling up to smile as Momo excitedly dangles her feet off of the bench. He suppresses the smile and helps her stand up, they walk together to the toy store and Kokushibo holds her hand as best as he can despite the height difference.

Right before they enter the store he kneels down in front of Momo and tells her something, "I will allow you to get two things... please choose whatever you want..." he stands again and follows behind her as she walks around looking at the toys before she sees a bunny stuffed animal.

It's an adorable blue and purple bunny with a jellyfish on its head, just like her jellyfish hat. "Do you want that one..?" He asks her and Momo nods happily with a small smile on her face. "Do you want to keep looking?... Or.. Are you finished?.." Momo walks over to him with the bunny in her hands and hugs his leg. Kokushibo decides to take this as a yes and picks her up. He walks to the cashier and purchases the bunny.

Kokushibo walks out with Momo and looks up at the sky, judging by the placement of the moon Momo's normal nap time will happen in about another hour. Kokushibo doesn't know when he should feed her but decides to let her play with her bunny for an hour and then put her down for a nap. Then whenever she wakes up he'll feed her.

As Kokushibo walks home with Momo in his arms he realizes that he should probably read the book he bought for advice.

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