Babysitting with the least child friendly person Kokushibo could've found

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Kokushibo sleeps peacefully and wakes at his usual time, right before sundown. He stands up and walks upstairs to see if Momo is awake, she is unfortunately still sleeping and he then walks back downstairs and reads until he hears a knock on the front door. He opens the door and Akaza walks in, "Hey, you ready?" He asks.

"Yes... Momo's schedule is on the counter... She'll wake up in a little bit.. I'm going to leave now.."

"Alright, she's upstairs right?"

"Yes.. she might not want to wake up yet so you can just let her sleep.." Kokushibo then leaves out of the front door and Akaza waves him goodbye.

Akaza decides to go see if Momo is awake, he walks up the stairs and into her room. He is a bit disappointed by the look of the room, it's not very child suited. Momo's bed is too big, there isn't any excess space to play, the tables have sharp corners that she could cut herself on, and she doesn't have any toys! Akaza thinks to himself as he walks over to wake up Momo, she sits up and rubs her eyes. "Hi Momo." Momo has really grown on Akaza and he sees her as a younger sibling, "You ready to wake up?" She seems excited to see him and reaches her hands out towards him.

"Ha, ok." Akaza picks her up and she makes some happy noises. She's so cute! Akaza shocks himself with his inner thoughts but quickly brings Momo back downstairs. He thinks about what he should do with Momo today, he knows she doesn't have any other toys than her plush bunny and that's not very fun for him.

Akaza sets Momo down on the carpet of the living room and she just messes around with her bunny. Akaza wants to do something with Momo that's fun for her and him. He knows that the surrounding village has a river, would Momo want to play in the river? "Hey Momo, do you want to go swim in the river?" He asks her and she nods her head excitedly. "Alright! We'll go to the river in a bit." Akaza stands up and goes into the bathroom on the bottom floor and grabs some towels to prepare for swimming so Momo doesn't get cold when she eventually gets out of the water.

Akaza walks out and sets the towels down on the couch and scoops Momo up, "We're going to leave now, you should leave your plush so it doesn't get wet. Can you hold these towels for me while we walk there?" Akaza picks up the towels with his free hand and gives them to her. He walks at a slow pace to the river, or at least slow to him. Momo seems excited to get in the water but Akaza is going to make sure that she swims safely. Kokushibo would torture him for the rest of his eternal life if he let Momo get hurt even a little bit.

After a bit of walking they arrive at the river and Akaza can feel Momo squirming in his arms to get free. "Be patient, I don't want you to drown." While demons don't need to breathe so they can't drown, Momo seems to be a special case so Akaza is going to be very careful.

Akaza puts the towels down on the grass and takes a couple steps into the waters. He's ankle deep in the water and then places Momo down in the water while still keeping his hands around her torso, the water is up to her waist. She's giggling excitedly and about to swim off in the water. "You're so excited. Haha!" Akaza watches her squirm and then kneels down in the water, the river has a very gentle stream going through. It's probably safe to let her go.

Akaza ends up letting her go, she excitedly walks forward and plays around in the water. Akaza sits down in the water and ignores the fact that his clothes are getting soaked. He watches as Momo reaches down into the water and picks up a pretty rock. She wobbles over to Akaza and presents the rock, "Wow!" He says, "Very nice."

He takes the rock and admires it as Momo makes some more happy noises and picks up some more rocks. Momo has a good eye for rocks, Akaza looks down at the blue and white rock she gave him and pockets it. Momo picks out another rock for Kokushibo, it's purple and black with some red parts. She puts it into her pocket and keeps grabbing rocks from the creek bed and inspecting them. Momo puts her face into the water and opens her eyes to look for any small creatures she can see, she then excitedly grabs a snail. In her left hand Momo has a bunch of small creek rocks and in her right hand she has a snail. She excitedly runs up to Akaza and presents her finds.

"Aka! Aka!" She smiles and holds her left and right hands out to him. She sits down next to him in the water and shows him her finds.

"Wow, is that a snail?" Akaza says, "I like your rocks and your snails." Momo quickly shoves the rocks into her pockets and puts the snail into the water again.

After a couple of hours of swimming Momo approaches Akaza and reaches her hands out towards him. He stands and picks her up, "Are you ready to go?" He says while she nods. Akaza walks over to the towels he laid previously on the grass and wraps Momo up in one of them. She seems tired so Akaza doesn't ask her any questions and starts to walk back to her house. He eventually arrives at her house and goes inside, he notices that Kokushibo had returned in the time he was out with Momo at the river.

Kokushibo walks up to him, "Where were you?" He asks.

"I took Momo to the river, she found a snail and a lot of rocks." He says while revealing her face in the towel wrapped around her.

"Oh... she must've had fun..." Kokushibo takes her out of Akaza's arms, "Thank you Akaza... I appreciate your help with Momo..."

"No problem, Momo had a lot of fun today. I'm gonna go, so, uh, yeah." Akaza turns around and walks to the front door, "Momo has a bunch of rocks in her pockets too, so before she changes out of her wet clothes take them out of her pockets first..." Akaza then leaves.

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