Kokushibo... the basketball is here...

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Kokushibo arrives back home a couple hours after the Uppermoon meeting. He observes the time from an old clock sitting on one of the walls in the house. He sees that it's only about three hours until sunset, when the sun sets Momo will wake up too.

Kokushibo whirls around as the front door of the house opens dramatically, Kokushibo readies his blade before realizing that it's just Akaza. Akaza stumbles through the doorway and falls onto his face, he groans in pain and crawls forward into the room, Kokushibo notices a large burn on his ankles, creeping up his calves, he decides to help Akaza out.

Kokushibo walks over and grabs his arms, pulling him out of the sun and into the room. Kokushibo shuts the door behind him. Akaza appears to be in a lot of pain, while upper level demons may have a higher pain tolerance, a sunburn hurts horribly no matter your rank.

Kokushibo finds himself feeling more pity, more empathy, more sympathy, for other demons now after taking care of Momo. She has truly opened his heart, Akaza scrunches his face up in pain and tries to stand up. Kokushibo instinctively stops him, placing his hand onto Akaza's back and pushing him back into the floor, "Akaza... What are you doing here?" Kokushibo says with his usual loud and commanding voice.

Akaza attempts to speak despite the pain radiating from his lower half, "I-I... I, uh, w-wanted to-to..." He pants and tries to regain some composure but he can't, the pain from his legs is basically frying his brain. Akaza can hardly come up with any words to string together to form a sentence, Kokushibo is patient and gives him a couple of minutes to answer. Akaza tries again various times to explain himself and Kokushibo eventually gets the meaning of his visit. Akaza wanted to train with Kokushibo.

Kokushibo gives him a sympathetic expression, Akaza would be shocked if he wasn't in so much pain. At some point Akaza is about to pass out, Kokushibo notices this and waits until he does. While Akaza was writhing in pain he had been just laying on the floor close to the front door, his upper leg area and his lower thighs had been disintegrating because of his exposure to the sun. I should help him. Kokushibo is surprised at this thought, as he has never wanted to help anybody before. He rationalizes it by telling himself that, I am Akaza's superior, it is only right that I aid him.

Kokushibo picks up Akaza in his arms, very similarly to how he picks up Momo, and sets him down onto the couch. Kokushibo knows that Akaza will heal in about four hours, but Momo will wake up in three hours. He wonders what he should do, should he tell Momo to stay upstairs while he deals with Akaza? Yes, when she eventually awakens he will tell her to stay and play upstairs.

Kokushibo observes Akaza, he has always found himself wanting to stare at people, to observe them and learn about them. He watches Akaza sleep, noticing that Akaza's face is still scrunched in pain from his burns. Kokushibo feels the overwhelming urge to comfort him. He fights it and reminds himself that Akaza would not appreciate that kind of gesture. He knows that Akaza hates when Douma even lays a single hand on his shoulder so a hug or a reassuring pet doesn't seem like something he'd like. Kokushibo decides to occupy his time by reading one of the books he recently got from the bookstore. He sits down on a chair across from the couch and opens a book.

The scheduled three hours before Momo wakes up come and go while Kokushibo reads. He looks at the curtains and notices that the light coming from them is significantly less, that must mean the sun is setting. He decides to check on Momo before she decides to walk down the stairs alone, no matter what he tells her she will always go find him when she awakens.

Kokushibo takes another look at Akaza's passed out form on the couch, he sees that his legs have healed a bit more and that his face looks more relaxed. Kokushibo walks away and up the stairs, he enters Momo's room and as expected she is awake. She excitedly stands and attempts to quickly walk towards Kokushibo, he watches her and is upset by her usual stumbling. He wonders what exactly is wrong with her, why can't she walk properly? Is it his fault? When he accidentally hurt her foot when changing her bandages that first time, did he permanently damage it?

His guilt is very strong but he ignores it, he needs to pay attention to Momo. She stumbles over to him and he scoops her up into his arms, "Momo..." Luckily she knows her name, Momo looks up at Kokushibo, "I have a... friend.. over today... Please, do not leave this room while he is here... it is not safe.." Kokushibo says while looking down at her, he studies her expression. Over the last couple days of speaking to her and watching her face he has gotten better at understanding her nonverbal cues. Momo nods her head and makes a confirming noise.

Kokushibo knows that she understands and will listen to him. He nods at her and sets her back down on the ground, he can hardly bear to watch her struggle walking but he knows he cannot hold her forever. He wishes he could just take her wherever she wanted, but he knows that he can't. He pats her on the head and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. He'll be back soon.

Kokushibo walks back down the stairs and sees Akaza peacefully sleeping. His legs have almost completely healed by now but he continues to sleep. Kokushibo patiently waits for Akaza to awaken but hours pass and he doesn't. Even when his legs heal Akaza stays completely asleep. At some point Kokushibo goes back upstairs to check on Momo because it's her nap time, she looks tired and a bit sad. "What is the matter?..." Kokushibo asks her, as he picks her up before she can try walking over to him.

Momo hugs him, Kokushibo is still a bit confused. He tries to set her down but she holds onto him, "Did you... miss me?" He says while adjusting her so he can see her face, she nods her head and hugs him. He sits down on the bed Momo was in before when she was sleeping, he holds her and waits until she falls asleep. It takes about 20 minutes for her to fall asleep, and he sets her down and tucks her in. He is a little surprised at her attachment to him but it's also welcome, he sees Momo as his own child.

Kokushibo walks down the stairs after putting Momo to sleep, he notices that Akaza is still asleep. Kokushibo is starting to get frustrated, he needs Akaza to leave soon. He cannot find out about Momo, no matter what. Kokushibo knows that he'll have to go out and hunt for food soon, for himself and for Momo, he wonders if he should bring back something for Akaza too. If Akaza is still here when I get back I'll give him an arm like I give to Momo. Kokushibo decides.

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