[en] reanimation

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the next day 

   Shut my brain and hope to die... 
The peak of postponing I've reached now activates an emotional stimuli locator, and if, by any chance, I know for sure I won't let something bother me tonight, locator does that mean thing where it locates a new idea, new person, new stimuli, a new person... Hi, Endy, haven't seen you in my Spotify for a while... I would like to reconnect, only for a bit, just to try communicating. I click on that shown playlist... I like this music choice, it's a lot different to what appeared on instagram stories a while ago. "tā pati dzīve cita daļa" is surprisingly accurate for my recieved perception. Now i really want to at least try to reach you, reconnect... I have this thing for old lost friendships. At points where I don't feel capable of forming new friendships, I keep daydreaming about bringing my old ones back... Once the feeling grows strong enough, that desire does not stop, the idea doesn't leave me, even when I do make new friendships and interact with new nicw potential friends. I fancy the idea of old feeling reanimation. 
   But, Paula, people change... what if friends don't? 

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