Chapter 1: My Love

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I watched her from a distance. She was pure gold and ringed with light that made it difficult for me to behold her true beauty. She was happy, smiling, spending her days in the everlasting garden with her loved ones. It was a garden I may not enter.

When someone is taken to the afterlife, they spend their time drifting through eternity on their own accord. Freen's afterlife consisted of happy memories and exquisite emotions that I did not dare to touch. Angels were not allowed to interfere with their experience as it would lead them to be reminded of their life on earth - something they often chose to forget. They could also choose to be reborn if they were not happy with the life they had lived, but looking at Freen now spending time with her soul family, I knew she had no inkling of doing such a thing.

Even though I was no longer in mortal form, a whisper of mortal emotions stayed with me. I could not help but long for her the way I had on earth. I could not help but wish to speak to her, to touch her, to invite her into my heart once more. This was indeed my punishment for my reckless decisions. But it was not a punishment dealt to me by the Source of all living things, but rather a punishment acquired through my own making.

"You miss her." Irin made the obvious observation as she came to stand next to me and all I could do was nod and wipe a tear from my eye. Since when did angels even cry? "She's just a passenger, Becca. You have to let her go now, or you'll spend an eternity in misery." I knew she was right, and for a celestial being eternity was a very long time. Maybe eventually I will forget her. Maybe she will fade from my mind one day. Maybe I'll once again feel free to perform the task I was created for.

But for now, my heart ached. An indescribable pain that I could not fathom.

All I wanted was Freen, divinity or not.

When I was not ferrying the dead to the eternal hereafter, I found myself on the periphery of Freen's 'life', just watching her and hearing her. She was utterly infectious.

When she smiled, my heart fluttered. When she laughed, my heart leaped from my chest. And though I was invisible to her, when she looked at the refracted ballnof energy that I was, I swore she could sense it was me.

I so badly wanted her to know it was me. And I wanted her to know that in no lifetime would I ever be able to stop loving her.

She would never cease to be my soulmate...

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