Chapter 13: Skeletons

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I stirred slightly as a few rays of sun streamed through the curtains. I started moving to gain my bearings, but I found myself held in a bit of a vicegrip with my legs tangled with another. Not just any other...

I was wrapped up in bed with Freen.

I burned a hit red as I realised our predicament. I kissed her. I took the leap and acted in my true feelings and I kissed her. And she kissed me back. It was amazing and transcendent and more than I could have asked for. She was soft and gentle, yet so demanding and dominating. I felt myself sinking into her stormy depths in no time.

"Well..." She chuckled once we broke apart. "That was the most pleasant surprise..." She lifted her head a bit to kiss my temple. I was lost in karmic bliss with my girl. Mine. My fate mate across every bit of existence. I will always find her.

We had decided to go to bed soon after. We knew it might not be a good idea to settle into the same bed, but neither of us wanted to be alone. So we slept together. Chastely. Nothing more than Freen's arms wrapped tightly around me. I can't remember if I ever slept so well. And once I was back in her arms, I once again started to dream...

It was about 7 am when I woke up, startled, by the sound of a key in the front door. If Freen had a flatmate then she didn't tell me. I looked back at Freen in confusion as I sat upright in bed, silently imploring her to tell me who's there. She yawned and stretched, taking her time to slowly wake up. Then the situation dawned on her.

"Shit! Shit shit shit!" Freen jumped out of bed and quickly pulled a pair of slacks over her boy shorts and a hoodie over her vest. "Please, this is not what it seems. Just wait here for me, okay?" And with that she was out the bedroom door and ran downstairs, as I could discern from her fast footsteps.

I started changing into some of Freen's clothes, not wanting to redress myself in a little blue cocktail dress. I'll just shove it into my handbag downstairs. Speaking of downstairs, I strained to listen to any conversation I could pick up. Luckily the other woman who had entered spoke rather distinctly.

"Oh come on, Freen. Didn't you miss me? I brought you something from Paris..." Freen said nothing in response. I could imagine her, feel her, frustration driving her fingers through her hair. Something is wrong here. My intuition has never lied to me before and the string between myself and Freen was vibrating in an overwhelming way.

"Oh...ohhhhh... I guess you have company then. Still playing with toys, Freen?" I didn't quite understand the meaning behind her words but it made my hair bristle. I finally made my way downstairs to join whatever was going on. "Oh Freen, I'm impressed. She's a real pretty one." Once again I glanced at Freen questioningly.

"Oh well, since Freen seems to have lost her tongue, I'll explain. I'm Heidi. I'm Freen's wife. I travel a lot for business so Freen and I have an arrangement. While I'm gone, she can do whatever she wants, as can I. But when I'm home, I'm home, and my home includes my wife. Understood?"

The tone of her voice was descriptive, animated, firm and yet playful. Maybe she was just being threatening with a fake facade, I'm not sure, but the tension her presence has now created was suffocating in every way. Freen seemed defeated as she placed her hands on her hips and stared at the floor as if she found a spot that was beyond interesting.

"Freen, would you mind escorting your...friend to the door. I need your full attention." Freen stepped forward to put her hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off and grabbed my purse from the counter and rushed for the door. "Becks, I can explain, please give me..." That was the last I heard before I slammed her own door in her face.

It was enough to make me sick. Physically ill and all. I wretched into a nearby potplant and felt guilty about someone having to clean it later today. I, however, had to get as far away from Freen's apartment as possible. I felt beyond betrayed. I felt like the string was fraying fast. I was honest with Freen all the way, told her everything about my engagement and wedding.

She told me nothing. She didn't even wear her ring. Why on earth would she even bother getting close to me when she knew it wouldn't last? When she knew she was hiding a massive secret from me?

I walked home, and I cried with every step.

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