Chapter 12: Who is this Angel?

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Freen's POV

Of course I wanted her to phone her fiancé. Of course I wanted her to break it off. Of course I wanted to be the one to console her and encourage her. Yes, of course I wanted to wrap my arms around her and go to bed with her. Yes, I want to be the one that wakes up with her in the morning. I wanted all of it.

I had never felt this way.

From the moment I met Rebecca Armstrong in her office I was hooked. She was positively the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She was soft and glowed with an ethereal light, as if sent down by the heavens itself. I can't help but wonder whether she was an angel herself.

The most potent of these emotions is the constant tugging inside me that I can feel when Becca is near, like a connection we have outside of anything else that most people could hope for. I touched her hand and I could see my entire existence flash before me. I saw images that didn't even make sense. A previous life with this woman, a beautiful relationship without pretense, white wings enveloping me. I could feel some sort of divinity within her calling to my very soul.

Seeing her tonight and spending time with her has only made me willing to take the next step, and the next, and the next. If it was me engaged to Becca, I would marry her tomorrow. To feel this way for someone else, I realised in my short but experienced life, is something beyond special and beyond meant to be.

I knew that she was my person from the very start, guided by some divine force. I was not going to question these emotions and I was not going to second guess my actions. Becca belonged with me, I just knew it. It was vibrating within my soul and I would do absolutely anything to have her be with me.

I watched with bated breath as she returned from the spare room with her phone in hand. She was supposed to phone her fiancé and break things off before it was too late. I knew the wedding was to take place at the end of the week. I lifted my one brow from where I rested on the couch, eyeing her carefully to try and decipher the emotions on her face.

"He just batted it off. He told me I was just getting cold feet and that he'll spend time with me tomorrow to smoothe things out." Becca had confusion written over her features, and maybe just a bit of annoyance and anxiety.

I chewed on my one nail, not enjoying what I heard. I need to get her away from him, and instead I end up pushing her into a date with him the next day. I hated it. I chastised myself for lacking the patience to wait for her to take care of things. Essentially, at the end of the day, it was her decision.

"And what do you think?" I asked her softly as she approached the couch slowly, clearly lost in thought.

"I don't know. I don't know what to tell him. I don't think I know how to do this, Freen..." She breathed deeply as she looked at me with pleading eyes. I could see how vulnerable she felt, how much she didn't want to go through with the whole ordeal.

I opened my arms and she immediately climbed into them, burying her face in the crook of my neck. She felt like heaven. She felt like home. I just held her as she let the emotions play through her, trying to transfer all of the goodness I had in me right into her heart. I wanted to lighten her heart, and then I wanted to take it for myself.

I draped the fuzzy blanket over us as we lay cuddled up and warm. "So you want me to like, I don't know, help somehow tomorrow? I could stay close for moral support?"

She grasped at my vest and rubbed her face against my neck, causing goosebumps to spread out in waves over my body. The things she could do to me would be beyond comprehension. This connection was beyond comprehension.

"I'll be okay. I have to be. I have to do this." Becca sighed and spoke lowly in my neck. I could feel her body shaking slightly as I held her close. "But thank you, Freen, you are really incredible. I know we haven't known each other long but I feel safe and secure with you."

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. I needed to plant a bigger seed in her mind before she saw the man tomorrow. "Is that... Is that all you... Feel... With me?" I stuttered out but I needed something to hold onto, even if my question was so brazen.

Becca stayed silent for a long time, enough so that I could just listen to the air entering and leaving her lungs. With each passing second I grew warmer, flushing, hoping I hadn't said the wrong thing. But I needed her to give me some sort of reassurance and I needed her to understand, to an extent, how I felt as well.

"No." She said softly in response to my question and I could feel my heart flutter. I was afraid it might just fly away, if it wasn't held so tightly within Becca's grasp. "Freen I..." She raised her head to look me in the eye with those absolutely gorgeous deep brown pools. She was weary to say anything further, but I could read it in her features.

"It's okay... You can tell me..." I replied softly and raised my hand to her face, sweeping some strands of hair behind her ear before resting my hand on her cheek. I wanted to urge her to tell me the truth of her emotions and I was praying to God that the truth was that she had feelings for me.

"I need to get out of this... I can't marry him. I don't love him and I don't want to spend my life with him." Her voice sounded small and helpless as she spoke the words to me, her eyes bouncing between my eyes and once she was done speaking, those same eyes dipped down to my lips. My lips were more than ready for her.

"What DO you want, Becca? A lot of your life is so wrapped up in what you DON'T want, but what is it that you really yearn for?" I was still hoping. I wanted to hear from her that I was the one she wanted. I don't know why or when or how but I'm drowning in this woman and I cannot let go. If this is the meaning of life then I have just solved and established it. This kind of connection didn't come along every day, or even once in a lifetime. I refused to let her go.

Her eyes remained on my lips where I was waiting with bated breath. I wanted to taste those lips, I wanted to make them mine.

"I want this..." She whispered and my breath dissolved quickly when I found her leaning in. Her lips slowly moved against mine. Painfully slow. Deliciously slow. I could feel every emotion she has ever held in her heart trickling into my very soul as she moved her mouth more firmly. I almost forgot to respond but soon enough had my lips pressing harder against hers. She moved them gently and I moved with her, like a dance of connection, of emotion, of fate and destiny.

It was the most profound feeling I had ever experienced in my life. If I ever saw heaven, it would look like her. If I ever felt heaven, it would feel like her. And holding her here in my arms, getting lost in her embrace, her kiss, her weight on my body... It was all I'd ever need...

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