Chapter 3: All Too Human

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I woke up like one would after sleeping for an eternity, unaware of the world around you as if you had lived a million lives. There had been no dreams, just empty space and deathly silence. Waking up was like having the breath of life forced into my lungs and I could feel the oxygen rush through my veins and fill my mind.

I lifted my head and blinked my eyes slowly, willing the blurred vision and black spots that remained like an ugly reminder to disappear. When it all came into focus and I took a look around, studying my hands as I lifted them to my face, I knew...

I knew I was human.

I was in the coffee shop that I spent so many eternities watching, hoping just to catch a glimpse of Freen again. Time moved differently than what mortals understood. The past, present and future were all taking place at the same time and moving between these so called extremities was like diving under water and surfacing again repeatedly.

I glanced at the window and found a reflection of myself. I was in the same vessel. I must have taken on this vessel's life now. Something about that didn't seem right, but at the same time it felt like home. Besides that, I knew the vessel would be in the eternal garden and would have given her blessing for this to happen.

I took a look around but Freen was nowhere to be found, though I knew this was where we were supposed to meet. I guess Irin was truly serious when she said it would be an alternate reality. I was confused as to how I was supposed to find my girl.

My girl. Mine. Nothing ever felt so good to say.

My phone rang and I stared at like one would a strange little creature. I didn't normally know what to do with it, but my vessel had retained knowledge that would at least assist me in surviving this life. I picked up the little device and saw the name "Richie" flashing on the screen. I instinctively knew that he was my brother.

"Hello?" I answered tentatively, before flashes came to mind of my vessel's argument with her brother over the phone. Was this it?

"Look Becks, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you that way." His voice was kind and remorseful and my instincts told me that this was basically a second chance, not only for me, but for my vessel as well.

"It's okay brother. I was wrong too." I hope that made sense and was the right thing to say. Regaining my vessel's necessary memories would take a while. "How can we make it better?" I asked tentatively, unsure of what to expect.

"Becks, we really do need you. With dad overseeing the business as CEO, managing two companies at once, he really needs you and me to step in as the Executive Presidents. He needs me in London and you in Bangkok. Look, I know it's not what you had planned for your life, but just give it a try. You'll have so many people working under you to delegate your work to that you'll barely have to break a sweat."

Richie sounded very sincere, and what was more is that I could hear him speaking to his sister. He spoke with gentle fondness and it touched me somehow. I wanted to help him, though I would need a great deal more information on these business ventures before I could really get involved.

This experience was all too human, but enlightening none the less.

After the phone call I waited for Freen to show up like she did last time. I waited and waited, my eyes scanning the room and watching the door. I waited some more, until there was no more time to wait. She wasn't coming. How was I supposed to find her?

How was I supposed to follow the red string of fate when I couldn't get hold of the starting point?

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