Chapter 8: Realizations

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My engagement ring hung heavy around my neck as I hooked it through a chain before fixing my collar and looking in the mirror, making sure that it did not show. I rolled up the sleeves of my button-up shirt and ironed out the creases with my hands before tugging on my skirt.

I hoped Freen would like it. It was all I cared about - what Freen would like, what she would think, what she would want. The name "Freen" was plastered all along the insides of my head. I knew I could not fall from Grace for nothing. The only reason I did it was for this woman.

Nam picked me up and we drove to a relaxed little cocktail bar where we would meet with Freen and some friends. I hoped there wouldn't be too many of them as I was shy at my rather obvious interest in Freen, even though I tried so hard to hide it.

Outside of work Nam was my best friend and knew me better than anyone else. At least that's what my memories told me. "Where's your ring, Becca?" She lifted one brow to her hairline and gave me a sideways glance as she drove. I blushed. Hard. I wasn't going to lie to her. I hate lying.

"I don't want to show it off. I want some freedom to have fun." I shirked my shoulders and watched the road before us ablaze with city lights.

"So you want to cheat?" Nam's voice was somewhat incredulous and accusatory.

"What? No! Not at all!" I stuttered, but I was laid bare before my friend. I had to come clean. "Nam, I'm not in love with Non. He's a great partner but I don't know if I can marry him."

Nam smirked then and shook her head slowly at me, as if she knew something I didn't. "Finally you're being honest. It took you long enough."

"What do you mean?" I asked in bewilderment. Had my vessel done something that I was unaware of? I searched my memories but found nothing obvious.

Nam sighed and started explaining. "You remember that one night at my place with the formal dinner party?" I searched my memories and vaguely recall the night she was talking about. There were a few people in attendance, but my vessel was taken aback by one person. A beautiful woman with long mocha hair and chocolate eyes. Her name was Heidi and I was pretty sure she was an actress or a model if I remembered correctly.

"Oh..." It was all I could say. I already knew what Nam meant. I basically ignored my fiancé and sought any excuse to find myself in this gorgeous woman's company.

"Becca, you don't even like men. You're just marrying Non because daddy wants you to." Nam was definitely not beating about the bush and it made me somewhat uncomfortable. I didn't realise that humans could be so perceptive. I definitely felt out of place next to my friend who clearly had a keen eye and an unexpected understanding of the inner workings of my mind.

"So what do you suggest I do, Nam? The wedding is in less than a week." I almost choked on those last words and felt like I suffered a punch to the gut. What an odd physiological reaction to an unwanted emotion.

"It's simple really. Just call it off." Nam shrugged as if it was the easiest thing in the world. "There might be some anger and resentment, but is it all really worth your happiness?"

I wasn't sure. Was it? Was it wrong to hurt someone in favour of my own happiness? Could I live a guilt-free and happy life knowing that I affected someone else's so badly? Freen's words at the coffee shop came to mind: 'It's not fair to you nor to him'.

As if reading my mind, Nam interjected, "Becca, so you really want to hurt Non by marrying him when your heart's not in it? He's not stupid, he will realise sooner or later."

The question was, how long would it take for Freen to realise that she's the love of my life? Would it scare her away? Would she feel it too?

And how do I call off this damn wedding?

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