Chapter 4: In Search

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"Hi, I'm looking for Dr Chankimha?" I decided to start at her veterinary clinic where she had been working in her past life, but the receptionist stared at me like I had grown two heads. "I'm afraid no one by that name works here, ma'am."

I was confused, but I knew it had been a possibility when Irin told me it would be an alternate universe that I'd be entering. But how alternate? I could not fathom, and for a mortal there was no way to find out like I'd have been able to were I still an angel. Being immortal I had had powers that I clearly had taken for granted and now was stuck like a fish out of water. The stream of life was vast and intricate and I still had to learn to swim.

Next I stopped by Freen's condo and knocked desperately on the door, hoping at least she still lived in the same place. No such luck when a little boy opened the door and shouted for his dad. "May I help you miss?" I opened and closed my mouth a few times with uncertainty, trying to formulate the correct words in the back of my throat. "Uhhh, yes, sorry to interrupt." My voice came out hoarse and I think I already knew the answer to my next question. "I'm looking for a Freen Chankimha. Do you know her?" I was suddenly overwhelmed with terror that this might be her family, but sighed with relief when the man shook his head. "You must have the wrong apartment."

These were the only stops I could think of and I was desperate. Bangkok was a huge city and I didn't know where to even start looking for Freen. Freen my love, my life, the only reason I'm here now. Without her I'm nothing but another mortal destined to move through the humdrum of daily life until I die.

I looked at the device on my arm, it was a watch from the memories I could garner. It told time as it moved forward for mortals. Only forward and not in the past or the now. What a silly device, but I knew I had to live by it like all mortals did - trapped in this neverending cycle of numbers.

The watch said it was quarter to nine and I realised my body was growing hungry, weary and tired. Another mortal thing that bothered me. I realised that I would have to eat and rest before the sun rises again. Searching my memories I snapped a picture of my own residence and its address, so I went to hail a taxi - the preferred means of transport in the big city, and gave my driver the address.

It was a long drive and tiring as hell. I was fidgety and restless, not knowing what to expect. It had always been one of my weaknesses - not knowing what to expect. I truly missed the foresight that came with being immortal, but now I had to play by its rules, by the laws of the earth.

When we finally arrived at my home, I was somewhat awestruck. It was a beautiful two-story in a row of others just like it. Green trees lined the sidewalk and the architecture was modern and inviting. I walked up the steps and searched for the keys, which weren't hard to find as they were nestled in my right pocket. I entered through the front door and was greeted by a bouncy ball of black fluff. It was Bonbon! At least something didn't change and I was so grateful for that. I knew Irin must have convinced the Source to provide me with some form of reassurance. It meant so much.

After feeding the pup and myself I went to take a hot shower, washing away the day's trials and tribulations. My body ached, but my heart ached even more. If I couldn't find Freen soon I knew I might just die of heartbreak. When I slept that night in my big empty bed, I dreamt of her face, her smile, her beautiful eyes and her soft lips. My longing only grew as did my desperation to find her. I vowed to myself and the powers that be that I'd pick up that red string of fate soon enough.

Morning came with its bright rays shining through my window, though I had already been awake for an hour, still thinking of my love. My memories of my vessel's life flowed through me, however, and I was acutely aware that I had a job to go to. I was thankful for the memories, otherwise I would be completely lost as to what to do. I was the Executive President of a company called Armstrong Industries, and I knew instinctively that Armstrong was my last name.

The company was an advertising giant both in the UK and in South Asia. We provided advertising space to other companies in different formats - online, magazines and newspapers, endorsements and events, even billboards - sedentary and electronic alike. My job was to oversee the efforts in my area of the world and it was quite a big and taxing job.

I readied myself and drove myself to the company building, following my vessel's memories. Upon reaching the building and the underground parking marked with a distinct "VIP" sign, I headed for the elevator. I was alone inside and observed my vessel - no, myself - in the large mirror. My hair was hanging in short waves around my shoulders and my white suit was perfectly tailored. I know this because my vessel's memories told me that all of her work clothes were specially made for her.

Exiting the elevator, I knew where to go to find my office. Once inside and seated at my desk, I awkwardly pulled up my work schedule for the day, feeling a little overwhelmed by everything I needed to do. I silenced my mind and let my vessel's knowledge flow through me again, stilling my fears and insecurities. A knock on my door alerted me to who was possibly my PA, bringing me my morning coffee.

"Here you go, Ms Armstrong. Just the way you like it." The woman was small and attractive with her Asian features. Her name was Nam and my vessel's memories told me that we were quite close. "Thank you so much. Just what I needed." I smiled at her and she seemed rather proud of herself. "Anything on the agenda that I can take care of for you ma'am?" I looked back to the work schedule on my computer screen and noticed a staff meeting with all the heads of the various departments in my company. I remember that on a Monday we would come together and discuss the plan of action for the week.

"Thank you Nam, please just remind the heads that we have a meeting in an hour's time. Make sure there is tea and coffee and snacks available for them in the boardroom." Nam nodded her head with a smile and disappeared.

I can do this, I told myself. I can handle this and eventually I will find my love. I felt that string tug on my heart and knew that something was happening. I had found the tip of it and wasn't letting go. Perhaps continuing down this path would allow me to pull it even closer.

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