Chapter 11: What am I doing?

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"I can't believe you took me home with you." I laughed as I looked over at Freen stretched out beside me, a soft blanket keeping her warm. Her face was glowing and her smile was hypnotising, not to mention her almond eyes that bored into my soul.

"Oh please, you didn't even hesitate in the slightest. You didn't even miss a beat to accept my offer." Freen rolled her head back again to face the dark sky above us. She lived in a building where the tenants had access to a rather nicely spruced up roof. Freen wanted to show me the lights of the city and, if we were lucky, some lights from the sky. Alas, the sky was very dark, but the city lights were incredible.

We were resting on lawn chairs, cuddled up in fluffy blankets as we just enjoyed the slight breeze, the lights, and each other. Once again I found myself in a moment I wish could never fade. I find myself taking a snapshot of Freen in my mind, remembering who she once was, and stuck in awe of what she has become. She was a adventure all her own. She kept me on my toes for sure.

I laugh at her comment and give a response, "Well that's just because I really needed to pee!"

"Sure, keep telling yourself what you need to hear." She looked over at me and caught me again in a mesmerized state. "Are you tired, princess?" She asked softly with a smile, the curve so beautiful that I wanted to run my finger along it.

"Yeah, a little. I'll call for a cab." I sighed and started pushing myself up from my lounging position. However, I wasn't even halfway up when a stern but soft hand grabbed my shoulder. "Stay here. It's very late. I have a spare room, don't worry." She winked at me and waited for me to either relax or refuse.

What did I want? What was appropriate? We were entering into a business agreement which would be at stake if things went wrong between us, but that thought never even occurred to me because I knew she was my soulmate. There was no escaping it.

"Okay..." I was about to pick through the next pro and con when my mouth moved on its own accord. Just like that. Okay.

"Good. I thought I might have to fight you on this." She sounded happy as she spoke while pulling me from the chair to stand beside her. "That's if you don't want to share my bed..." She wrapped her arm around my middle and purred the words into my ear. I glowed immediately until she chuckled and tipped her head to rest against mine.

This felt so right. This felt like my own little piece of heaven, here in Freen's arms. Everytime she has her arms around me I can feel that familiar warm wave flow between us. I couldn't help but wonder whether Freen could feel it as well.

Once inside the condo again, I sauntered over to the couch with my blanket wrapped around me, keeping my eyes on Freen. "Enjoy what you see?" She smirked as she went about making tea for the two of us before bed.

"As a matter of fact..." I grinned at her in return, admiring how gorgeous she still looked from their evening out. "Why don't you slip into something a little more comfortable?" I teased, but the moment it left my mouth I realised my mistake. Freen enjoys a dare way too much and proving a point that she can pull something off only fuels her fire.

"Oh, oh I see. Something 'comfortable' huh? Sure..." My eyes widened as I watched Freen walk past me with a sparkle in her eyes. Oh god, what have I done? She is going to torture me, I know she will!

A little while later she emerged from the direction of the bedrooms and bathroom. She was wearing black boy underwear and a white vest and I thought I might start drooling. She was basically half naked! How can anyone on earth truly live chaste when this is going on all the time! "I left you something on the bed to change into for sleep."

She positioned her tall self in front of the couch where I was seated and leaned her weight onto one leg, hip jutting out as her arms hung casually by her side. It was the look she gave me. It was hungry. It was ravenous and it was boiling my own hormonal hotpot.

"Thanks..." I managed to squeak out and watched her turn and walk back to the kitchen. I think she took my heart with her. Needing a breather from the goddess in the kitchen, I moved to the bedroom to find my sleepwear. Freen had placed a pair of satin shorts and a t-shirt for me on the bed. I was grateful that it was normal clothes and not what she was wearing!

"Come on, tea is ready." Freen popped her head around the corner of the door just as I was pulling the shirt over my head. At the sound of her voice I yanked it down quickly and stared at her, flushed with wide eyes. She smirked and watched me from beneath her lashes. "Don't let me stop you..." She oozed along with her unmistakable sex appeal. Luckily the shirt was the last piece of clothing.

"You didn't. I was done." I tried to play it cool with an air of confidence, but Freen's giggling told me it was not working. She directed me to the couch and passed me my cup. It was nice and warm in my hands, though I know I'd rather have Freen's hands making me warm. What is this? I made love to Freen the last time I was on earth, but that was different. Now I'm consumed... I am consumed be emotions, I realise. Angels don't really feel emotions. Now that I'm human it must be an overload.

"So tell me something about you that no one else knows." She smiled at me after curling up on the couch beside me with her tea in her hands.

How ironic. I was probably the single human on earth that carried the biggest secret. I know I would have to tell Freen one day. I just don't know if she'll believe me. Last time it took her dying to believe me. I can't lose her again. The thought makes me physically ill.

"When I was fourteen, my friend and I went to this convenience store on the block, and we decided we wanted to shoplift because our brains were reptilian and stupid. So we literally lifted a single chocolate bar. We got away with it, but once we were around the corner I told me friend to wait, that I'd forgotten something. I ended up running back to the store to pay for the bar."

I smirked and shook my head. I was amused. These weren't my memories, after all. Although I guess now they were. I'll have to integrate into this vessel's life completely if I'm going to be spending a lifetime in it.

"Oh wow, that's so cute. Some conscience, huh?" She grinned at me and stretched out her leg to pinch me with her toes.

"Well yeah I guess. I have a strong sense of justice and fairness." I sighed and looked over at my phone lying on the coffee table... I didn't know how to do it...

"Why don't you do it now?" Freen piped up.

My heart jumped at the suggestion. "It's like 2 in the morning!"

"So? It's not going to be any easier at 8am. Just rip the bandaid off." Freen shrugged and I admired her straight approach to things. That is definitely a mindset I need to learn.

Freen picked up my phone and held it out to me, giving me an emotional stare that I couldn't quite place...



Hey guys! I'm sorry that it has taken this long to update this fic. I've been too caught and sometimes really struggle to get into the writing mood. I haven't given up on this story, it's just been difficult to muster the creativity for it.

Okay so, we have to talk about the elephant in the room. You know what I'm talking about. I don't have much to say. It's none of my business and I still love and admire F as I do B. I wish them well and success and to never lose their connection, regardless of what happens.

How does this affect the fanfiction? I know a lot of writers will be lost without inspiration. Some readers will feel disillusioned by these stories. But please don't stop writing and reading and having fun. We have created characters out of FB, we place them in all sorts of settings and circumstances. This is still fun! This is what fanfiction was made for.

So yeah, I won't be going anywhere. If you haven't checked out my other FB fics, please go to my profile and check them out! Please follows and and votes and comments! Always appreciated!

Cheers guys!

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