First time meeting you

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Readers POV

Today is the day, finally I could attend my job at the ESC. I honestly didn't know how we did that but through an coincidence me and my gay best friend got hired by ESC to be part of the security people. Why I am so confused about it is the fact that I don't really look like a security. I am a woman in her mid twenty's, normal figure, not muscular at all and also not the tallest but they said it will be okay to look for everything going fine and without some jerks destroying the event.

Maybe they just needed someone and I was dumb enough to do it.

Anyways...everything was prepared and the show was close to start. Every countries singer are already here in their rooms, preparing for the show. I was walking along the hall as I just wanted to get me some coffee while my friend was standing on his spot, watching people.
The show will be long and me as a coffee addict can't just work so long into the night without a single drop of coffee.

All the preparations already drained me plus me actually being an introvert and having to deal with so much people at once just makes my energy fade away more quickly.

I didn't really look where I was walking as I got lost into my own mind before I accidentally bumped into someone, immediately apologising. „Ah! I am sorry I didn't mean to run into you!" I feel my cheeks turning read as I realised who I just bumped into. I was Loreen. Thankfully the swedish singer just smiled at me softly as she shook her head. „No darling it's okay I didn't watch out either. Are you okay?" She asked me and I just nod before my feet had their own will as they carried me away from her, waving at her awkwardly. „Yes! I am fine don't worry but I have to go!" I say before disappearing behind the corner.

‚GOD what was that?' I thought to myself. Her beautiful eyes, her sweet smile and that calming voice...she really did something to me. My heart was still pounding cause of the awkward situation but I am not so sure anymore if it was only the embarrassment. ‚Stop it (Y/N)! That woman is older than you and besides she has a boyfriend!' I curse at myself, wanting to calm myself down and I finally felt better once I got my coffee and sipping from it.

„God...I should chill. There is no way I will see her that close again anyways." I talk to myself and see my friend getting closer to me, having a suspicious grin on his face. Don't tell me he saw us.

„Is someone gay panicking?" He asked with a chuckle and my face turned as red as a tomato. „No! I mean...she is beautiful but not...just no. Fuck off!" I feel busted, chuckling as I realise how pathetic this actually was. I might be falling for her but I don't want to accept it. I can't do that.

Later on the show finally started and we had the best view of course since we needed to keep idiots away from the stage if needed but thankfully everything went smoothly.

The performances were amazing already. Everyone was unique and beautiful in their own way, making me even get some new favourite songs I will definitely search on spotify later on.

My eyes got fixed on the stage once I saw Loreen finally getting on stage. Her outfit was stunning, matching the stage as well and her movements mixed with her voice...I think I just saw an angel on stage and my friend definitely noticed as he nudged me. „Awh...don't tell me you're not in love (Y/N)" He said close to my ear so I could hear him and what should I say...I do. Is that what you call love at the first sight? I never believed in that but this woman definitely got me wrapped around her finger without even doing anything.

Her performance ended and with that I also got back to reality again as I see her walk away.
A few performances later I finally got the time to rest a little. The votings are starting and they let a few other celebrities do performances while the voting was open.

I just stood there, listening to the show calmly but I swear my mind couldn't get rid of that woman.

I hate my heart at this point. Why would I fall for someone I have no chance being with. This is so stupid.

A while later they finally announced the jury votes and then the public votes. I couldn't keep myself calm as I cheered out loudly when they finally announce the winner. It was Loreen! And I couldn't hide my happiness away. I was really happy for her, enjoying to see her being so happy as well and then, she had to perform again.

This was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I could swear she made eye contact with me.

I am not daydreaming this time...

To be continued

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