Meeting you again

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Readers POV

I got called into the party room with VIPs only, Heidi looking at me with a wide smile. „Hey (Y/N)! I thought here is the best place for you to be, here you're gonna have a better view of what you like. No need to behave all night, we're here to party." She winked at me and vanished again, making me stand there speechless. She DEFINITELY knows there is no doubt.

So I stood there comfortably leaned against the wall, watching the room filling more and more with people. I remember some things from my last aftershow party and it made me feel things I shouldn't. Fuck I miss her...I just don't know how she feels about I remember...this was just a hookup right?

I noticed Loreen standing just a few meters away from me talking to Kim Petras and they took pictures together. I smile as I notice how happy she looked. ‚This is all I want...seeing you happy' I think to myself.

I keep looking at her, being completely lost in my mind, it actually almost seemed like I was looking through her but when our eyes met I got back to reality real quick, not even able to look away now as I feel like my gaze being glued to hers and she excused herself before walking closer to me. First I thought I am daydreaming but I wasn't. She did come towards me with her intimidating but at the same time soft look on her face. „Long time no see." She said and I just nod before smiling at her. „Hey there. I didn't know you will be here. That really is a coincidence." I answer, I really had no idea...except my friend and Heidi..."

„It may be...or is it faith? Whatever. It's good to see you, how have you been?" She asked and hugged me. I couldn't react as fast as she did that, feeling like she was avoiding body contact, making me almost frown but I kept my happy face. „I am good thank you! How about you? You did an amazing hob on the stage. I am really happy I could hear you sing again." I say and she immediately smiled again before answering me. „I am good thank you darling."

I know she used the word darling a lot but it really did something to me when she said that. We both didn't notice we were staring at each other for a bit, the temptation getting bigger but I knew this is a bad moment, too many people and...well I don't even know how to behave the best was.

„I guess I have to keep working but you should enjoy yourself here." I say and she frowned at me, shaking her head before she complained about what I said. „What are you saying? Heidi wanted you to come here for a reason, to enjoy the evening, your working time is over now."

I couldn't believe what she just said. How did she know? But before I could ask the blonde older woman came back with two glasses of champagne. „There you are! Look what I brought you two, you must be thirsty. Enjoy your drinks!" She just gave them to us and I look at Loreen with a confused expression but she just smiled. „Well then...(Y/N)...let's have fun." She told me and I knew this night may be not so boring.

The party went on and I ended up talking to a lot of people there. Kim came to us as well and we talked about just any topic. It was actually very fun but also the alcohol was flowing like crazy. I knew it was time to stop as soon as I felt a little dizzy in my head. Maybe I was also just drinking of despair. I have the woman I fell for right next to me but it also felt so far. How can I act normal beside her when she actually drives me crazy? The tension between us was insane and I could feel she felt the same but neither of us wanted to do anything about it.

We were all sitting in the lounge of the place as it got later, I couldn't properly stand anymore so it was okay. I am not used to drink a lot so it was okay, I knew my limits...actually I really do...but saying no to literal stars offering you a drink is just...weird. I was too polite in the end and I can already feel regretting my decisions the next day.

I was sitting next to Loreen of course and it took me a while to notice her hand on my thigh, was she noticing I got too much? This time she was the one that looked like she learned from the last party and kept her mind clean. Someone else came with shots again, literally holding it in front of my nose and I felt Loreen's hand squeezing my thigh, a sign I definitely should not do it. I was about to say something but she already took the words out of my mouth. „She had enough for now thank you." She said politely and the person went away again. My gaze turned to her, I was wondering why she did care about me. „It's fine I am an adult." I told her but she just looked at me with a more serious look on her face. „You should not drink anymore love, for your own health. You look tired." She told me and something clicked inside my mind. It was cute, very cute but I just couldn't take her caring about me right now. I will fall more for her and at the moment I just know I wasn't more than just a hookup to her. At least that's what I am thinking right now.

Bad sides of me being drunk...I do get damn emotional.

„I told you I am fine. Stop worrying about me." I told her but still kept my voice calm but at the same time my heart was racing. I needed to leave before I pour out my heart uncontrollably. „I need to use the bathroom." I just say before standing up, feeling my brain turn first but then I managed it to go away.

„Girl you should go after her I am worried. She looked very drunk." Kim said to Loreen, having a serious expression and the others sitting there agreed with the blonde. Loreen just sighed, knowing this isn't going to end well if she will leave it like that. „I know...I think I need to look after her as well. I just don't know what to do in general." She just said, leaving the others sitting there, not telling the exact situation but she knew they could already assume, the tension was just too obvious.

Readers POV

I went to the bathroom actually to just calm my nerves, I didn't really needed to use the toilet. To my bad luck and already drunk self I tripped over my own feet and hit my face directly onto the sink, making me groan out of pain, holding my nose before I could feel some blood dripping from it. „Great...what a dumbass!" I curse, no one was there anyways, not until ai heard the door open and of course it had to be Loreen who looked shocked at me. „(Y/N)?? What did you do?" She asked worriedly before heading over to me.

I just groan before giving her an answer. „Nothing. I just tripped. It will go away soon." I say but that didn't make her go again of course. She grabbed a tissue and held it under my nose to make it stop, now I am blushing out of embarrassment. How can I be so stupid?

„You don't need to run away. I was just worried and now we have the reason for it. You shouldn't go anywhere alone. Where is your friend?" She asked me and I just shrug. I really don't know. Working? Back at the hotel? Whatever. My emotions are out of control now anyways. I just wanted to kiss her at the moment but it also felt so wrong.

„I don't know. I can find a way back to the hotel don't worry I used to live here in germany." I tell her but she didn't let go of me. „You can let me go.." I add but she was just as stubborn as me, putting the tissue away and cupping my cheeks. „No way I need to see that you're fine and then I will take you back if needed." She said and inspected my face for more injuries. I couldn't help but look at her lips and then back up at her eyes and then again down to her lips. She noticed it of course and bit down on her own lower lip, feeling the tension as well, getting more closer to esch other, our noses almost touching as we went for a kiss, me closing my eyes as I wished it will finally happen but then I suddenly felt a hand over my lips, she stopped herself from kissing me, looking at me with teary eyes. I regret opening my eyes to see this expression of hers. She just kissed her own hand that was over my mouth, like a little symbol that she really wanted it but couldn't. My heart broke as I saw her being also sad about this situation but why is she even doing that then? I can't explain and seems like she won't either.

„I am sorry..." She just said and actually wanted to continue but I push her away from me before she could go on, making me stand up and leave the bathroom. I even left the whole building, not caring that it was raining outside and I didn't even care about the fact that I am literally drunk. I don't care about anything in the moment, I don't even know where to run. My heart was aching. I ran into nowhere and all I could hear was the squeaking of a cars wheels before I knew nothing anymore.

To be continued

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