Time heals wounds

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Readers POV

I am currently sitting outside at the cafeteria of the hospital, enjoying my iced coffee as I am in a wheelchair since walking is not possible at the moment for me. Thanks to my nurse having that idea. Today will be the last day I am seeing Loreen since she had to leave this evening for another show at another country. Part of me is sad and the other part is happy since I could finally have the time to breathe and get my mind clear. There is still the weird vibe between us, making me feel sick thinking about it but I wouldn't want to let her go without seeing her again as well...it was complicated. After all...she was there for me when I wasn't okay so she is still a good person for me. I guess she is just confused as well.

I see her coming towards me from the distance, she looked stunning with her sunglasses on and her tight outfit perfectly hugging her body, I couldn't deny that I am still going feral for that woman no matter how much she hurt me. She did it unintentionally I guess...but still.

„Hey there, how are you feeling?" She asked me before sitting next to me, her smile making my heart feel all warm. „I am getting better with each day passing. I am even allowed to go home soon, at least this is a good sign, I can't see my hospital room anymore." I answered and she nodded in agreement, her hand reaching over to hold mine, I could feel her gaze on me even tho I couldn't see her eyes properly. „I am really glad nothing worse happened..." She told me and I just nod, knowing this situation was very dangerous and I should be glad it was just a broken leg...even tho that hurt like hell already so I won't want to imagine something worse.

„Anyways...I am glad you came to visit me again before you have to leave. Thank you Loreen." I add with a smile and she smiled back at me before letting go of my hand, sitting back on her chair.

We sat out there and talked for a long while, not mentioning any drama anymore and talking about totally different topics, making me feel like I was talking to a good friend. She really had a comfortable vibe, I could talk to her for hours but every good thing had to end. A car was pulling up...a fancy looking one that could only be for her, making me know it was time to say goodbye.

„One thing before I go." She mentioned and gave me a little piece of paper with her number on it. „So we can keep in touch. I don't want to lose you in any way. We will keep the contact even tho I am gonna be far away...okay?" She said and I smiled as I took the paper from her, feeling so happy she wanted to keep the contact. „Yes thank you I would love that. Maybe we could see each other again soon then?" I asked and she nod her head before standing up. God I wish I could kiss her goodbye...but it seems like it won't happen. Not yet. Maybe never. I don't know but at least she hugged me and I hugged her back tightly. „Thank you for everything Loreen and please make sure to not overwork yourself and take care of yourself." I said and she nods at me before saying goodbye. I could only watch her leave and it hurt my heart so I managed to look away to not see her go but of course my stupid self had to look back at her again and again as many times the last days my heart got broken again. Maybe I just saw things but in the distance I saw a man kissing her.

‚So that's your problem...' I thought to myself and decided to get back inside, enough of the fresh air...I need to stop thinking about her. There is no chance and I made drama out of nothing but why did she look at me like that...why did she always made signs of being attracted to me?

A few weeks have already passed again and I was already at home, being able to walk again and at least move like a normal person again. I wasn't able to go work again tho, it was too early to get back into my job so I had no other choice than staying home and get boring every now and then. Looking at my phone didn't help as well, Loreen everywhere. As a fan of course I am following lot of fan pages and Loreen herself of course. I couldn't stop watching her stories, wondering how she felt and what she was doing but I also couldn't make it to text her. I don't want to annoy her plus she didn't text me as well so why should I be the one? I don't wanna look desperate. No I will just do my own thing and start ignoring her for a while, this is the best for both of us. Her heart will never belong to me.

So I spend days going after my hobby, drawing and playing games to get rid of my emotions and it worked. I completely forgot about the past months and even my bestie stopped mentioning her, knowing all of the story and also thinking it's best not to talk about it anymore.

My life seemed pretty normal again but no one knew it will take surprising turns again.

To be continued

Authors note: I thought I had to mention again that this is for entertainment purposes only and I don't mean to offend anyones love life haha
Just had to add it to make a bit more drama and give Loreen's behavior in that Fic a reason 💅
Much love and respect for everyone! xoxo

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