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Readers POV

Months passed now and I finally got myself together again, not being heartbroken anymore. I could watch Loreen's instagram stories and other stuff about her online without being sad. I missed her of course but I tried to accept how things least for now.

It's easier not seeing her anymore. I don't habe to look directly into her eyes, feeling her tight hugs or taking in her addicting beautiful scent. I just say her through my phone or laptop and that was making things easier for me.

Something was off tho. She didn't have that usual spark anymore in her eyes, avoided some private questions in interviews and when someone asked her how she's doing she just said she is fine but I could feel she is not. Something about her behaviour was different and today I saw a post that made me a little bit more worried. Someone took a picture of her smoking a cigarette. I knew she did that in a music video before but I never noticed she was doing it in her free time. Something was definitely strange. She also didn't look happy in that picture, it looked like she was deep in thoughts and it can't be good thoughts. Someone definitely took it without her knowing.

I thought for whole 15 minutes about if I should text her or not, on the other hand...what should happen? She is not here and she can't eat me through my phone screen. Maybe I could lighten up her mood? So I decided to finally text her.

>> Hey Loreen! It's been a few months, I hope you're doing good. I can finally walk normally again btw! Maybe we could see each other again, I missed you. I saw what you were doing on social media, I love your work! Keep it up! <<

I texted even more than I wanted to but my finger was too fast to press sent before I could think about what I was texting. I just told her I am missing her...

I sigh and let myself fall down on the bed, sighing as I waited for an answer but hours passed and there was nothing yet, making me fall asleep soon only to be woken up again by my phone buzzing, I really look like a zombie now, my mind was somewhere completely else for a moment but I quickly got back to reality again once I saw it was a message from Loreen!

Loreen❤️ >> Hello Darling. I am okay thank you for asking. I am also happy that you are completely healed again. I have a few days off soon. Send me you location please. <<

I was feeling my heart pounding again once I was reading her message, hitting my own head as I tried to calm myself. ‚No! You're just friends!' I think to myself as I hate the reaction of my own body but I did what she wanted, sending her my location. So she will come to me soon..?

I just got a quick answer that she will be here this Saturday and staying for a few days. Loreen? Staying at my place? This isn't a fucking dream. I feel happy to see her again and at the same time I am worried our drama will go on again. I am glad I am living at a little village where no one is really into stars like her, a lot of old people actually living here, more less younger ones like me. Perfect to not get a shitstorm. I mean...who should tell the world that Loreen was here? The cows nearby? I literally had to laugh at myself because of this silly thought. But hey! Maybe she will like it here, there is a huge field beside my place and near there is also a forest, beautiful nature surrounding the little place I am living at. I remember she loved the nature so this wouldn't be a problem.

Somehow the days passed quickly, I had the feeling I just blinked and now it's already Saturday. I mean okay I was busy cleaning my little apartment and get some groceries to have everything here. And then...this evening it finally ringed on my door.

I rush over to it and opened the door, a huge smile on my face to see Loreen there with her bag. „Loreen!" I couldn't hold my feelings back as I hugged her so tightly, enjoying to finally be closer to her again and she hugged me back. Only difference was she was a little smelling like the smoke of a it was true.

„Hey there (Y/N)! Thank you for letting me come." She said and pulled back, looking at me with a huge smile and I couldn't stop smiling as well. „Of course! You're always welcome. Come in." I guide her inside my apartment, it wasn't huge but cozy and perfect for two people.

„I know this isn't the thing you're actually used to but I think it's enough." I tell her as we walk into the living room, her following me, hearing her chuckle before she answered me. „Are you kidding me? This is perfect. I like it simple." She answered before placing her bag on the floor and sat down on my couch, sighing softly. I notice she must feel tired after the flight so I decided to get beside her. „You're tired right? I don't mind if you go rest, my bedroom is right there." I point towards the direction where my bedroom is but she just shrugged it off. „No need. I want to talk to you for a little." She said and I was okay with it.

I looked into her face and she really didn't just look tired. Her eyes had a little sad shimmer and I didn't know why. I felt uncomfortable asking her too but maybe I should.

„Are you okay?" I finally asked but she looked at me, looking like she was thinking about something before she answered. „I am. There just happened a lot in my life privately the last months. I needed to make a lot of decisions for my own life. I am sorry if I am talking weird stuff now, I don't know how to explain it to you but I am planning to do it soon enough. I just...can we enjoy seeing each other again? No questions, just enjoying the evening?" She asked me and I then nod, knowing I shouldn't bombard her with a lot of questions and just let the moment flow. She has to answer a lot of questions at work giving interviews anyways so I should stop that.

„I understand. But you know what! I know exactly what you need now." I get up and disappear into the kitchen, getting back with a bottle of wine and two glasses, smiling brightly. She looked happy again with my idea and I am honestly glad she did like it. „Oh (Y/N) you know exactly what's helping." She chuckled and I did too. So we enjoyed the start of our evening with some wine and honestly...we both finished the whole bottle together, talking and laughing just like old times.

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