I love you

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TW// sexual content ahead! Last part was a bit too much fluff for my taste so here have something spicy

Readers POV

I woke up by my girlfriend being on top of me, kissing my neck which made me hum softly as I slowly open my eyes, seeing Loreen look down at me with a expression I never seen before and where did her clothes went? She is definitely needy. I don't mind waking up having morning sex but that also wasn't something I would expect from her, I didn't think she was so dirty minded. But I didn't realise yet that she definitely had something planned.

„Good morning baby." She said with her beautiful voice, making me blush as I definitely heard the needy tone in her voice. I smiled at her and before I could answer she kissed me, moving her tongue inside of my mouth to deepen the kiss, making me moan softly, this definitely was something else to wake up to. Her hands caressed me and moved all the way down to my pants, wanting to take them off and I let her, she did it quickly along with my underwear, making me go all weak for her already in such a quick time.

„I got a surprise for you my love..." She whispered into my ear and I was wondering what it was. „What is it?" I asked, already being surprised by her behaviour so what else could it be. I haven't noticed it until now that she was hiding something under the blanket or better...between her legs? I didn't have much time to process what was happening until I felt something hard rub against my crotch when she moved closer, making me gasp out of surprise. „You did bring one?..." I could only ask and she nodded, her smirk could kill me right here.

„I want to fuck you just right..." She purred and I moaned once again once she ran her tongue along my neck, making my whole body shiver out of excitement and after a while of kissing and a little more foreplay she made me a moaning and whining mess once she moved it inside, thrusting into me like crazy, making me scream her name.


After our breathtaking morning session we both laid in bed for a couple more hours, just cuddling and enjoying the moment after, I didn't knew I needed her like that. She was really making me lose it, she was just perfect in any way possible.
I look at her and smile, adoring her beautiful eyes, she looked to sweet and innocent right now as if we didn't act like needy animals before.

„I love you so much." I say and she ran her hand through my hair before pecking my lips. „I love you too (Y/N)." She told me before we kept on resting, taking all the time we needed to just cuddle. I knew Loreen had to leave soon and the thought of it broke my heart but I knew she had a important job to do.
I just took her hand in mine and played with her fingers as I got lost in my own mind as always, she noticed it in my eyes that I was a little sad and I had to explain myself, not wanting her to worry. „I will miss you so much you have no idea." I mention and she nodded in response, hugging me closer. „I won't let you go that quickly. I actually have a question but before that...we should take a shower first and maybe eat something." She suggested and I nod even tho I hated that. I hate when someone wants to ask me something and even tells me that but I have to wait.

So we both finally made it out the bed and disappeared into the shower before we both got dressed again and ate something for breakfast.
I wonder when she will ask me but I don't want to push her, she seems to enjoy this day a lot so far so I decided to just wait for her to ask me on her own.

Today wasn't a very eventful day, we were just being lazy all day, sitting on the couch, talking and watching TV. I did enjoy the quiet moments too though, we already went through so much stressful stuff together it just feels nice doing absolutely nothing.

„So uhm...(Y/N)?" She started and I just put my phone away before turning my whole attention towards her, wondering if she will finally ask now. „Yes?"

She looked at me seriously before she went on, I am feeling a bit nervous since her expression turned to be so serious.
„You know I have to leave soon...and I don't want to be away from you anymore so I just wondered...do you want to work with me and my team? We could use a security, I know you're doing your job well...plus I will never habe to leave your side again."

My eyes widened at her question but I did of course love the idea. Working with Loreen and never having to leave her anymore just sounds perfect. „Of course! Yes why not? I would love that so we don't have to be miles apart anymore." I said with a happy smile, loving the idea so much.

„Well then...you're hired." She winked at me, saying it in a joking way before she kissed me once again, I feel so happy right now I just couldn't believe it. „I love you so much!" I said in between kisses and we end up chuckling and hugging each other, feeling so much happiness and maybe we went for a second intimate situation this afternoon, both feeling so happy about this idea.

To be continued

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