The new Contract

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Readers POV

A few weeks later me and my bestie are currently in Germany for our new contract. We were surprised for the support we got so other events want to hire us. And maybe a little luck since Heidi is a friend of my bestie's friend and...there is too much to explain.

Whatever we were happy to be in germany again, usually we are born here in germany so it's cool to see our homeland again, back in cologne we had to rent a hotel room to stay at for a night or something.

I was just buttoning my white shirt up before my friend came all excited out the bathroom. „Guuurl! Are you ready for Germany's next Topmodel??!" He ran towards me, hugging me tightly out of excitement. I loved his attitude so much I can't even explain.

„Of course I am! Seeing those beautiful people and enjoying a new show beside guarding the hall? Hell yea!" I chuckle as I nod my head, feeling more than happy. He gave me a smirk which confused me tho, he did know something I didn't. „What?" I ask but he just shook his head. „Nothing. Come on let's go we will be late!"

When we arrived there both of us got introduced to the rest of the team, everyone was so nice and the models in the backstage looked very pretty, me as a lesbian got stunned of course, if I only knew my gay panic would get worse later on.
„Hello guys!" We hear a higher pitched voice, the trademark of that special person, of course it was Heidi greeting us. „Hello Heidi!" We both said almost in sync.
„Thank you for coming guys really, we needed some people since here will be a lot of stars tonight plus I knew you guys would love to be here in general." She said with her usual wide smile before she excused herself, needing to go.

Me and my friend still being there until the show will start, getting something to drink. Water of course...I can't drink right now I need to work.

I almost choke on my water as I see a familiar person in the distance between all of those beautiful women. It can't that Loreen?
My friend only chuckled, nudging me gently before I turn to face him, my shocked expression said it all. „You knew it?!" I whisper yell at him and he only grinned more widely. „I can't see my girl heartbroken. What do you think why we are actually here? I talked to my friend about GNTM and he mentioned she will be here so...I maybe did some things. And Heidi knows as well..." He explained and I was almost about to drop my jaw at this. They know? Oh god when Heidi knows something everyone will. Or she would do anything that would be uncomfortable for me...whatever everything is uncomfy for me now. I needed to leave this damn backstage room before she will see me. „Let's go we need to work!" I told him and he followed with still a silly smile on his face. What the fuck am I doing here.

„Wow I never saw you panic like that before. It hit you really hard huh? No need to worry (Y/N) what belongs together will get together." He said as we stood on our place. I wish I could shut him up. The way me and Loreen met and how we left each other...this is something I can't and won't explain to anyone in detail.

Anyways...the show started and everything was fun. Seeing famous designer on stage was something else. I never had the money nor interest in fashion but they looked very kind. We had a very good view on the stage and the first challenge started. My bestie being all for the show, he just loves watching it on TV so now this is a big thing for him.
When they announced Loreen was going to sing Tattoo my first thought was happiness to see her again and it was totally worth it. I didn't even look at the models, she was the only one that caught my eye and I wasn't looking anywhere else until she finished.

„Feeling good seeing her again?" My friend asked me and I slapped his upper arm playfully. „Stop it! This is definitely not the right time." I hiss at him but he only gave me a knowing look. „When will it be then if not now?" He answered and I thought more about it. He was right...when would it be then? I see her now and who knows when I will see her again.

The show went on and more stars appeared, there were already a lot of people on Heidi's couch and of course every now and then I looked at Loreen but one time she looked at me as well, she looked surprised so I assume it was the first time she noticed me and we made eye contact. I already feel my body heating up at the nervousness I felt before they announce Kim Petras being the next one singing and both of us turned to look at the stage again, my bestie sensing my tension.

Things got better tho when Kim started singing King of Hearts. It's my absolute favourite song! And my friend knew that so he tried to light up the situation a little as he took me and danced with me randomly to that song. We vibed to the beat of the music but still had our eyes on other people. Heidi was supposed to look at the stage but she took a quick glance at us and smiled brightly before she started vibing with her daughter as well on the couch, seems like our energy was catching.

Once the performance was done me and my friend laughed, it was actually really fun vibing to my favourite song. I looked back at the stage, still laughing as I enjoyed the moment, feeling someone else smiling at me, of course it was no other than Loreen. For how long did she see us? Guess it doesn't matter now anyways.

The show slowly went over, announcing the winner and finally everyone was on the stage, congratulating the winner meanwhile me and my friend still stood on out place, my in ears telling me to go backstage and I excuse myself, leaving my friend there.

To be continued

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