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Readers POV

I woke up with such a huge headache, groaning as I sit up in bed and opening my eyes to find myself somewhere else, this is definitely not my bedroom. I look around, finding myself being in bed with Loreen who was peacefully sleeping beside me. „What the-...?!" I shut myself up by holding both my hands on my mouth, not wanting to wake her up because of my stupid screaming. Did this really happen? I sat there silently, leaning against the headboard as I thought about what happened last night. There was that Party...we were drunk and I...hooked up with her at the dressing room. All the memories got through my head and I realised this wasn't a dream once more. I LITERALLY got on my knees for her. I remember us cuddling after what we did and she...ah! Now I remember she asked me to come with her.
I look down to see myself only wearing my underwear, making me wonder where the hell my clothes went but I decided to stay in bed not to wake her up. I don't even know where my phone is. My bestie must be worried about me...

Suddenly I feel her move, she turned on her side and hugged me, making me blush as she still seemed half asleep, mumbling a very soft Good morning. I hope she knows that it's me and not someone else in her bed, feeling even more embarrassed at this situation. I look down at her beautiful sleeping face before she opened her eyes to finally look at me with those beautiful deep brown eyes. They had something special that always makes me feel like being attached to her, that gaze...I would kill for. „Good morning Loreen..." I just say softly, gaining a sweet smile from her.

„Why are you sitting there like that? Come down here, you must have the same terrible headache." She said and I knew she was right.
I made myself comfortable again, feeling her hug me and nuzzle into my hair, the feeling of her warm body against mine made me blush and my heart beat faster. Is this really happening? I don't know anymore. I remember during all of this we didn't kiss tho. She touched me and I touched her but there was never a kiss. Secretly I wished I could kiss her but I know I shouldn't think so far, she wouldn't want a closer bond to me than...well just doing the thing. And maybe even that was only once. I never knew she could be this feral tho, it was a surprise to me to be honest and better question...why me?

I look up at her and she looked back at me, looking tired but that only made her look more cute. „What are you smiling at?" She asked and I just realised I was smiling like an idiot looking at her. „Well...I don't think that's a normal thing that happens every day huh? Isn't your team worried about your disappearance?" I ask her, wondering how nobody noticed.
„Nah...they know I laid my eyes on you last night. Having fun isn't wrong right?"
Those words hurt me a little. Having fun...well in the end it was, I didn't expect a relationship. I did make notes to myself tho to not ask about her private life a lot anymore and just go with the flow.

„Right. It isn't. But uh...I think I need to go soon. My friend must be worried about me." I say and she only smirked at me, making me raise my eyebrow, expecting an answer. „You mean your amazing gay friend? He hooked up with Kaarija." She said as if it was nothing, making me nearly lose my shit. „WHAT?" I asked a little too loud, making her flinch a little. „Ahh...love please not so loud..."
I hear her say, making me shut up immediately. „Sorry..." I chuckle awkwardly.

She shook it off, caressing my cheek as she looked deeply into my eyes, the perfect moment for a kiss anyone would say, but something was off...she looked like she was in thoughts, making me wonder what it could be but she slowly pulled back, excusing herself as she left, probably for the bathroom to escape that situation and I could understand. It definitely wasn't the right time...if there would be a good time for us to get closer anyways.

‚It was just a hookup, nothing else.' I think to myself, getting out of bed and finally finding my clothes again, deciding to put them on since I don't have anything to wear now. My phone was also there, seeing a few missed calls from my bestie.

>> Hey bestie! I will call you later I need to get home first. <<

I text him before hearing the door opening, seeing Loreen being all dressed again as she walked towards me. „It was a beautiful night I will never forget darling. Please remember me yea?" She touched my cheeks and pulled me closer, I was expecting a kiss but she pecked my forehead in a sweet way instead, making me stand there speechless again as I look at her before I finally could form words again.
„Thank you, I think the same. Please be always save...oh and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about how drunk Loreen acts." I add with a chuckle before giving her one last hug, her chuckling as well. „I hope darling." She mentioned before we had to say goodbye. At this point I thought I would never see her again.

Back at home I immediately called my best friend and we both talked about our experiences last night. Of course-...when I say I won't tell anyone I don't mean my best friend too. Of course he will know all the tea.

One sad thing we both had was the emptiness in our heart, of course missing them. I missed Loreen and he missed Kaarija.

Tonight was so lonely. I don't know how to describe how much I missed that woman. Drunk or not, it had definitely a reason for it to happen, I am sure she wouldn't do that randomly with any girl she thought was cute. I just can't believe that. She was just too pure and kind, she would never do such a thing without having even a little glimpse of feeling. I just can't get rid of her in my head. I fell so hard for her and I can't do anything about it.

Back in the airplane on the way for the next show Loreen was a lot of times lost in her mind and even her team noticed that. She wasn't as quirky and happy as always, she was more serious and one of her teammates couldn't leave her like that.
„What's wrong with you? Can I help?" She asked her but Loreen just brushed her away, not sure what to say since she doesn't know what to feel.
„Falling for someone you can't reach is the worst. It seemed so simple but it's not. I could blame the alcohol for making me act like I did but at the same time, I wasn't that drunk you know? I still knew what I was doing, I just...it's impossible. Things happen for a reason and if it really has to be like that, we will meet again. I believe in faith." She only said before looking out the window, looking out the window, signalling her teammate she needed to be alone and the other woman immediately understood.

Where will this go?...

„I miss you already (Y/N)..."

To be continued

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