New job new life

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Readers POV

I woke up in the morning, smiling as I saw Loreen still being asleep, placing a soft kiss on her lips to wake her up, she immediately moving her arms around me as she kept me close „mhh...morning baby..." She hummed and I just chuckled, feeling happy I got this effect on her, rolling in top of her as I look down with a soft smile. „Slept well?" I asked her and she opened her eyes to look at me, her sleepy expression is just too cute. „Of course I did. I were sleeping with you." She answered, making my heart melt at her answer.

I chuckled and laid down again for a moment, today is the day where I am going to leave my home, not coming back for a long time but I knew I can always see my home when there will be time for it. Since it's beautifully quiet here it will be a good place to take rests even tho I know we will probably have a lot of other places to see when we're on vacation.

I look over at our packed stuff, smiling to myself as I realise this isn't a dream and we both are really going to stay together, never being scared to get teared apart. „You're more than ready aren't you?" I hear her say with a sleepy voice, making me look up at her like a little puppy, only the tail wagging was missing. „Huh? Of course! I would go anywhere with you, it means a lot to me that you want me to be part of your team besides being your girlfriend." I say and she smiled more widely before grabbing my chin and placing a kiss on my lips, making my heart beat faster, kissing her back as I wrap my arms around her neck, loving to feel the closeness but I knew we had to move soon otherwise we would miss the flight.

„As much as I love cuddling here with you, you know we have to get ready and leave to catch our flight?" I tell her and she nods, of course she knew it better than me, the other side of being famous is being under stressful situations as well.

So we both got up and got dressed, ready to leave my apartment. There was a car parking in front of my house, it looked like the fancy one I saw back then at the hospital which picked Loreen up. That must be her team waiting for us to get in. We walked towards it and she instinctively held my hand while in the other we were holding our bags, I blush at the little statement she made with holding my hand and when we got closer, the trunk opened and we put our bags in before getting inside the car, a few people greeting us and they were so nice to me. „Hey there! You must be (Y/N)? Welcome to the team." He smiled at me and gave me a knowing look, he definitely knew who I am and that I am not just hired randomly.

Loreen smiled as she looked at me before she explained a bit to me. „They know about us my love no need to hide. My team should know that but don't you worry, they are all happy for us. We know that this thing should be hidden from the public tho, I don't want you to get into trouble cause of being my lover, nobody does. So for the public you're just one of the new security guards."  She explained to me and nod in response, understanding what she meant. It was okay for me tho, I know there are haters out there, every or most of the celebrities have to struggle cause of people out there not accepting a relationship of their idol, many jealous people out there just make the love life of well known people hard so I understood. I would want to keep it a secret as well least for as long as we will have to. People know she had someone before so now a woman taking this place so suddenly could cause irritations.

Anyways. We had a good time talking, sometimes they were talking in swedish tho but they never left me out, translating stuff when I got confused and to me they talked in english of course. Most of the time it was nice and cozy, they were just as nice as she was and I already felt like home.

Finally we were on the airplane on our way to sweden, I never been in a airplane before but I didn't mind as long as my love was with me. Of course I felt nervous getting to another country and staying there at least for now. I should get used to airplanes for now since this will happen more than once. But honestly? I forgot about my fear of height in that case.

We finally arrived after a few hours, being already at Loreen's place, I knew she must live a fancy life but I didn't expect such a huge place. I looked around, feeling happy and also kind of honoured that this is now the place I am living at. I hear something running towards us before I could even say anything to that, seeing a little dog running happily towards Loreen and she got down to greet her little friend, making me smile even more. „Aw! Hey little buddy!" I chuckle as the dog also went to me, greeting me as well. I have totally forgotten about her having a dog and this even made things better, I also had a dog back when I was living with my parents so this makes things even better.

„Well...welcome to my home (Y/N). Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy your time. For now we should rest a little tho don't you think? Tomorrow there is a show I need to attend so the work will already start soon." She said and grabbed my hand, leading me towards her bedroom. We were already together for a while now but I still feel my heart beating faster when she leads me to her bedroom, showing me her cozy bed we will sleep in tonight before the next working day will start and I can say I am not disappointed. „That's a huge bed..." I say as I look around while she closed the door behind us.

Loreen chuckled at my comment and moved closer to me, tugging on my shirt which made me turn my attention immediately towards her, my questioning look making her chuckle even more. „Mhh...there is only one rule for tonight." She started and tilt my head in confusion. „That is?" I ask and she let go of my shirt and took off her own, making me have the slightest hint but she explained it anyways once again. „Tonight there will be no clothes." She mentioned and I didn't really mind, agreeing with her before we both tool off our clothes and before I could say anything she pushed me down on her bed and straddled me, leaning down to kiss me passionately, making me already know this will be a hot first night in here.

To be continued

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