(W.M) I See You : One

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The day Wanda had told Y/N that she was asked out on a date by their upper classman Jarvis Stark, their whole world came crashing down. Of course Y/N had loved the green eyed girl for years but they never wanted to ever lose her in their life. So of course they supported her.

"Why didn't you ever tell her again?" Pietro questioned as he snuck up behind them as they watched Wanda and Jarvis.

"What do you mean?" They asked him, feigning innocence.

"I know you love her and that you always have." He told them as they shook their head, turning to look at him.

"Because she will never see me as I see her." They told him before they headed to their next lesson. Walking passed Wanda and Jarvis making out as fast as they could. Pietro just watched as Wanda's eyes soon landed on Y/N as they disappeared.

Of course he had noticed Y/N's lack of presence around the Maximoff household, as much as they were Wanda's best friend but he considered them his friend too. Especially now since Wanda had been hanging out with the cheerleaders since Jarvis asked her to join.

"Why don't you come round this weekend and we can play some games or something?" Wanda asked Y/N when she sat beside them in History.

"Don't you have plans with your boyfriend and his friends?" They asked her as she just scoffed.

"I am trying here Y/N." She told them sternly as they laughed before turning to face her.

"When was the last time we hung out? Do you remember because I can." They spoke harshly as she just shook her head as she pursed her lips. "When you told me he asked you out on a date." They said as they stood up. Ignoring the teacher yelling for them to sit down. "That was the last time."

Wanda just watched as they walked out of the classroom completely ignoring the teacher's yells. Groaning as she ran her hands down her face.

Pietro found Y/N in the gym shooting hoops at lunch time. Walking up to them and catching the ball as it fell through the basket.

"I heard about your talk with Wanda." He told them as they just scoffed. "I understand were you're coming from Y/N. I'm not here to beat you or anything ok."

"I'm sorry I snapped." They rested their hands on their hips. "I just, well." They laughed as they looked at their feet. "I thought our friendship meant more to her but it clearly doesn't. I clearly don't."

"Y/N." Pietro tried as Y/N shook their head no.

"I have to go." They told him as they picked up their bag and left the gym. Not noticing Wanda standing there.

"You have a lot of repairs to do Wanda." He told her as he turned to face her.

"I know." She whispered as she leaned against the wall. Falling to her knees as she cried into them. All because of her infatuation with a guy who will most like forget about her when he graduates at the end of the year, she has lost Y/N. The one other person besides her twin who had loved her regardless.

As the day went on, Y/N was only getting the last of their stuff from their locker when a firm hand grasped their wrist, holding their hand firmly against the opening of the locker before slamming the door repeatedly on it.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" They yelled through gritted teeth as they continued.

"Speak to my girl like that again and you will get worse." Jarvis sneered before pushing their head against the hard metal before walking away. Y/N groaned as they looked at their hand, already seeing a bruise forming.

"Fuck!" They groaned as they realised that it was their most prominent hand. Slamming their locker shut before heading out to their car. Seeing as Wanda was being pushed up against Jarvis's car as he ate her face off.

"Hey dude." Pietro said as he stood behind Y/N before noticing their hand. "You can't drive with a hand like that " He told them as they shrugged.

"I'll be fine." They said as they opened their door.

"Y/N." Pietro spoke sternly as he held his hand out for their keys.

"I'm fine Pietro! Just leave me please." They moved him out of their way before they got in and slammed the door shut. Pietro watched as they drove away, not noticing as Wanda approached him.

"What was that about?" She asked him.

"Like you care." He sneered as he walked to their own car.

"Of course I care about them." She told him as she followed him.

"You have a funny way of showing it Wanda." He told her as he turned to face her. "Do you know that your boyfriend has fucked their hand up?"

"He wouldn't." She shook her head in denial.

"Open your eyes Wanda. You are just a good fuck to him." He yelled at her as she clenched her fists.

"Fuck you Pietro." She seethed before walking back towards Jarvis who just smirked at her twin. Pietro groaned before getting in their own car. As he sat at home all afternoon on the sofa, his phone in his hand hesitating on whether to call Y/N.

"You're still up." Wanda stated as she walked in the front door.

"And you're late." He told her without looking away from his phone.

"What's up?" She asked him as she noticed his expression.

"Nothing that you care about." He said as he walked up to his room. Wanda on his heels.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She challenged as he just laughed.

"Y/N drove home with a messed up hand and I have no idea how they are!" He yelled at her as she looked shocked. "All because of your stupid boyfriend and new friends."

"Y/N is still my friend." Wanda told him.

"That's laughable Wanda." He sneered as she tilted her head. "They used to be your best friend a year ago."

He pushed her gently out of his room before closing the door. Wanda decided to leave and head straight to Y/N's, hoping that Pietro was wrong. Once she got there, she noticed them getting out of their car with their right hand strapped up in a cast.

"You drove home from the hospital like that?" Wanda questioned as Y/N groaned before turning to face her.

"Why are you here?" They asked her.

"I miss you." She told them.

"You have a real funny way of showing it." They told her.

"Please Y/N." She whispered as she could only ever see the distance between them both growing. "I really miss my friend." And that was what triggered Y/N as they shook their head as they looked up. Taking a deep breath before looking back at her.

"That's funny." They told her. "I was your best friend Wanda. For years I stuck by you. During your emo phase and now your a cheerleader and you promised nothing would change. Nothing." They sighed as they looked like they were having a break up. "You don't even see me anymore Wanda. When you walk into the same room as me, your eyes never want to find me. Not like I see you whenever I am near you."

"Y/N!" Wanda cried as Y/N just shook it off.

"Please just leave me alone Wanda." They told her. "I guess we're done." They finished before walking away from her. It hurt her to watch them walk inside without a single glance back at her. What she didn't know was Y/N would always look for her, even if she didn't know it.


Just a quick series from my tumblr account :)

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