(W.M) I See You : Four

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Throughout the months, Pietro had helped Wanda through her break-up. Although she was shocked to see the state Jarvis was in and Y/N's hand was messed up again. But they didn't care this time.

Wanda walked through the halls in her old clothes. Her black skater dress and docs. Her hair up in a high pony like she used to and her make and smoky eyeshadow. Y/N smiled as they saw her walk through the halls confidently. Even if they kept their distance from her. She always heard their words in her head everyday from the first arguement they had had.

'I was your best friend Wanda. For years I stuck by you. During your emo phase and now you're a cheerleader and you promised nothing would change. Nothing. You don't even see me anymore Wanda. When you walk into the same room as me, your eyes never want to find me. Not like I see you whenever I am near you.'

Those words plagued her every thought. She had also noticed that Jarvis had moved onto Carol funnily enough. The cheerleaders all looked at her with disgust as she went back to her old ways.

"You looked so much prettier as one of us Wanda." Sharon spoke up as she approached Wanda.

"You know what? I don't care what you all think of me anymore." She told them. "I don't no why I ever cared in the first place." She pushed passed them all and made her way to her History class, sitting in her usual seat.

"I'm proud of you Wanda." Y/N told her as they passed her to get to their own seat. Wanda couldn't help the blush on her face as she looked down at her books before the lesson started. She looked back over her shoulder, biting her lip as she noticed Y/N already staring at her.

Wanda was lay beside Y/N in the grass, watching the clouds slowly pass and feeling the calm breeze grace their exposed skin. Wanda soon turned to face them as their eyes remained firmly at the sky above. She hadn't really notice how attractive they were growing up, but now she was lay their admiring their sharp jaw line and deep blue eyes.

"You're staring Wanda." They stated as she shook her head no as her lip was between her teeth.

"I never really noticed how beautiful you are Y/N." She told them as they chuckled.

"I'm not beautiful Wanda." They told her as she shook her head. Looking their deep blue irises as she shook her head at them with her lip between their teeth.

"You are Y/N." She whispered as her fingertips danced across their features. "I see you Y/N. Very clearly I see you."

"I've always seen you Wanda Maximoff. Always." They whispered as she glanced at their lips. A mixture of nervousness and excitement within her.

"Kiss me." She told them as they smiled softly. Lifting their head up to meet hers in a soft passionate kiss. Holding her as close to them as they possibly could.

Wanda groaned when she heard her alarm going off. She ran her hands over her face as she looked at the ceiling. Realising what she should have known all along. She is in love with Y/N. It was never Jarvis or anyone else. It should have always been Y/N and she hated herself for not seeing it sooner.

"Hey Wanda." Pietro greeted her as she entered the kitchen.

"Y/N is going to be staying here this week since their parents have a business meeting." Mrs Maximoff told them both as she made sure she had everything she needed for her day at work. Wanda was actually nervous about them staying with them for the week.

"Where will they sleep?" Wanda asked as her mother smiled to them.

"We can move the cot into your room." She told her as Wanda just nodded. Her heart beating in her chest. "In fact, we can do that now."

Wanda Maximoff and Lizzie Olsen One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin