(W.M) I See You : Two

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Wanda felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest when she kept replaying Y/N's words over and over again in her head. Even whenever she was with Jarvis, her mind always went to her best friend she had lost.

"What is wrong with you?" Jarvis snapped as he wasn't getting any reaction from Wanda. She could feel his erection through his pants but she didn't even care. Usually she was fast at the two stripping and ending up between the sheets, especially whenever his parents weren't home.

"What?" She questioned as he sat up and moved away from her.

"You've been quiet and distant since last week." He stated as she looked at him questioningly.

"Has it really been that long?" She mumbled to herself. It has been a week since her friendship with Y/N was officially over and she hasn't really been in her relationship with her boyfriend. The guy she was so excited about asking her out at the beginning of the year.

"Yes. It has and I can't keep doing this if you aren't going to even pay me. Your boyfriend any mind." He told her as he got off of his bed.

"I'm sorry." She whispered shakily. He watched as the tears started to silently fall down her face. "I just keep ruining my relationships."

"What?" He asked her softly as he sat beside her once more.

"Y/N and I aren't friends anymore because I haven't really been a friend to them since we got together." Wanda whispered as Jarvis clenched his jaw.

"I'm going to kill that freak this time." He snarled as Wanda looked at him.

"What do you mean this time?" She questioned as he just shook his head.

"That doesn't matter." He told her as she just scoffed. Stepping up from the bed herself.

"Did you mess up their hand?" She asked him as he just laughed.

"I would hardly call it a mess." He smirked as he recalled last weeks events. "More like art it was."

"And you aren't even sorry!" Wanda yelled at him. "They are on the basketball team Jarvis!"

"They still have next year." He shrugged as he approached her. She shrugged his hands away from her as she moved away from him. "Wanda, come on."

"They're my best friend Jarvis." She yelled at him.

"That isn't what you just said." He reminded her as she shook her head at him.

"I should have never pushed them away for you." She whispered as she started to gather her things.

"Come on Wanda. You love me and you know it." He told her as she shook her head.

"I think I need to be alone right now." She whispered as she left hastily. Ignoring his yells as she walked away, slamming his door as she ran home. Pietro looked up from the TV when he heard her run inside and straight to her room. As much as he hated her decisions, he still loved her and wanted the best for her.

"Wan?" He questioned as he stood in her doorway. He watched as she curled up into a ball and cried. "Come here." He whispered as he joined her, pulling her into his chest as she cried.

"I messed up Piet." She sobbed as he just held her. "I messed up real bad. How do I fix it? Please tell me how."

"I can't tell you how Wanda." He told her as she just nodded pulling away. "Maybe try being their friend again. Show them that you're willing to try."

"Do you think they're home right now?" She asked him as he shrugged.

"If not, try the courts." He told her as she nodded, grabbing her hoodie and leaving the house with Y/N in mind. What she didn't expect to see was Y/N making out with one of their classmates against the fence of the courts. When they pulled away, Wanda noticed her as Carol Danvers, the schools slut.

"Y/N! I need to talk to you!" Wanda yelled as she approached the two.

"I am busy here Maximoff." Y/N told her, Wanda's breath hitched as she heard her call her her last name. None of her friends call her that.

"I don't care!" Wanda told them. "I am going to fight for us. I just need you to know that."

"Don't waste your time." They told her before they turned back to Carol.

"Just stop Y/N!" Wanda yelled as Y/N clenched their jaw, turning back to her.

"You did this Wanda. This rift between us. You and that boyfriend of yours caused this." They told her. "So just please leave before I say something I will really regret."

With that Y/N walked away from her once more as Wanda just watched. She hated seeing the distance between them growing further and further apart, but she will not stop getting them back in her life.

When Wanda had gotten home, she was shocked to see Jarvis parked outside in the driveway. Leaning against his car with his arms crossed, a smirk forming on his face as he saw her approach him.

"So?" Jarvis questioned already knowing the answer and internally screaming for joy.

"I'm not giving up on them." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his middle. Hugging him.

"I don't see why you bother Wanda." He chuckled as he wrapped his own arms around her only for her to take a step back.

"Because they're my best friend." She argued.

"Was Wanda. Past tense." He told her as she just shook her head.

"Why aren't you supporting me?" She asked him.

"I do support you Wanda, I just don't want you to spend a lot of your time doing something that is going to be tiring and you won't get anything from it." He told her as she just shook her head.

"I just want to be alone right now." She said as she started walk up to her house.

"Come on babe! Don't be a prude." He yelled after her, just loud enough for Pietro to hear and open the door.

"Don't you dare disrespect my sister!" He seethed as he pointed his finger at Jarvis who just laughed and held his hands up.

"I'll see you tomorrow then Wanda." He said as he got in his car. Wanda thanked Pietro quietly as she walked passed him inside. She hated that she couldn't work things out with Y/N just yet but she won't be giving up so soon.

Wanda Maximoff and Lizzie Olsen One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon