(W.M) The Woods : Two

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A little over a year ago

As everyone had settled into their rooms, Tony and Clint decided to go out for some fire wood. Wanda remained glued to Y/N's side throughout the day.

"Can't we leave yet?" Wanda questioned shyly as Y/N smiled softly.

"If you aren't comfortable by morning, we will leave and find a hotel." Y/N told her softly. The girls all sat beside the fire that was dying out as they waited for the boys who soon came running inside.

"You guys need to see this." Tony said as Clint nodded. "It's so fucking freaky."

Everyone followed Tony and Clint outside. Wanda held on tightly to Y/N's arm, following them into what looked like a log shed. When they entered, they saw a bloodied table and a lot of hunting knives and other sharp objects.

"Who did you hear about this place from again?" Wanda questioned as Tony smiled.

"It doesn't matter but this is cool." He told them.

"Tony, this isn't cool." Y/N pointed out as they brought Wanda closer to them.

"It was probably only ever used to kill animals Y/N." He shrugged as Y/N shook their head.

"Did your friend tell you more about this house?" Y/N asked him as he shrugged. Looking at the different blades, picking up an axe and pretending to weild it.

"No." He said as he swung it. "It's quite heavy." He told them as everyone started to leave the cabin.

"We should leave here Tony." Y/N told him as Wanda went with Nat and Maria.

"Come on Y/N, we just got here." He told them. "Besides, you were the one who said to give it a chance."

"That was before I saw this." They gestured to the weapons on the wall. "I didn't expect to find a slaughter room."

"Come on." He said as he wrapped his arm around their shoulder. "Let's have a fun weekend." He led them back out and towards the cabin. Everyone waited for the two before they went inside.

"Should we make some dinner?" Laura questioned as Wanda nodded.

"Yes. I need something to distract me from this place." She told her as the two headed to the kitchen. Y/N stood with Nat as the others argued with Tony about this place.

"Wanda wants to leave." Y/N told her as she nodded.

"I don't blame her. This place gives me the creeps." Nat answered. "Maria will also be tearing Tony a new one."

"I told her to give it one night." Y/N informed her. "Then we will go to a hotel tomorrow."

"I think we will join you." Nat said as they watched Maria grab Tony by the scruff of his collar.

"I'm going to have a look around. Would you watch out for Wanda?" Y/N asked her as Nat nodded. She watched curiously as Y/N walked passed everyone up the stairs. Walking in every room, the decor was the same. Stained log walls, a deer or bear head on the walls above the bed. It wasn't until they felt an uneasy breeze in the master bedroom. Looking around, checking the window which was shut. It wasn't until they moved the dresser that Tony came up.

"What are you doing?" He asked them as they just shushed him.

"There is a breeze coming from here." They whispered as they felt around the wood, seeing hinges on a small door. It opened inwards, Tony watched as Y/N crawled through it, followed by Tony. The two used the torches on their phones to look around.

"This is just like that outhouse." Tony whispered. Except there were more weapons up here, different kind of old torture equipment.

"We should leave Tony." Y/N told him.

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