Lie About Us (W.M)

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Wanda Maximoff was the popular girl in high school, while Y/N was a nobody, the schools outcast. It wasn't until senior year that the two had started to date secretly. Then the two also went to the same college. Y/N thought that things were going great, no hiding their relationship until the two were invited to a college party.

"Wanda! It's so good to see you." Nat squealed as she noticed the brunette.

"Nat!" Wanda ran up to her and the two hugged tightly. "I thought you went to UCLA?"

"I do. I'm just visiting my sister." She told her as the two pulled away. "Are you still single?"

"Yes." Wanda answered as Y/N's jaw clenched as they stood nearby.

"Well, a friend of mine is here visiting his cousin." She started as the two listened. "His name is Jarvis, the two of you will hit it off."

"Uh." Wanda stalled as Nat grabbed her hand.

"Come on. He's here and I've told him all about you." With that, she dragged her to her new friend as Y/N watched from the corner. Watching as the two talked, how she laughed with him, the blush on his cheeks when her hand landed on his chest. They finished their drink and decided to leave. Sending Wanda a quick text to see if she would even read it.

At the end of the party, Wanda looked everywhere for Y/N before she looked at her phone. She sighed when she noticed the time they had left the party. Heading straight to their dorm.

"Y/N?" She knocked on their door rapidly, seeing as they opened the door with tired eyes. "I'm so sorry." She started as they shook their head.

"Don't worry about it." They said with a fake smile. "It's not like we're public or anything. Oh wait, that was high school." They tried to close the door but Wanda was quick enough to squeeze in. "I want to go to sleep Wanda."

Wanda flinched at the use of her name. She knew that she had upset them.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know why I acted like that." She said as they chuckled.

"It's because you're still embarrassed by me." They told her. "You don't want your old high school friends to know that you are with the school's outcast. The loner. The weirdo."

"That's not." Wanda tried as Y/N interrupted her.

"That's exactly what it is!" They sighed as they squeezed their eyes shut. "I thought we were passed the whole lying about us. It is college, the cliquès and groups that we were in in high school shouldn't matter, but they still do to you."

"They don't." Wanda told them.

"Yeah they do, otherwise you wouldn't have said you were single." They told her. "I can't do it anymore."

"Please don't do this." She cried as Y/N shook their head.

"Wanda, I love you but I can't just love you in secret. I want to be able to tell everyone how much I love you." They had a tear fall from their eye as they wiped Wanda's. "You should go."

"No." She shook her head. "I am staying and we are working this out."

"There's nothing to work out Wanda." They told her softly. "We had a good run but I guess it just wasn't meant to be."

"Please." She cried as they just turned away, heading towards their bathroom. "Please Y/N. Don't do this. Please."

With the silence she was recieving, she decided to leave. Give them their space. She knew one thing for sure was that she would do anything she can to get them back. She will prove to them that she is in this for the long haul.

As the days went by, Y/N avoided Wanda as much as possible. That was until they had gotten invited to another party. Being told by their friends that they need to lighten up, they decided to join them. Not realising that Wanda's old friends were still visiting New York.

Wanda's eyes found Y/N across the room, listening to their friends talk as they nursed their red solo cup. Her heart ached for them. Y/N's eyes caught sight of Jarvis putting his arm over her shoulder, but they didn't see when Wanda moved it from her.

"I thought we were having a good time Wanda." Jarvis questioned.

"We are." She spoke bluntly.

"Then why won't you let me show you any affection. Our friends are going to think I am a laughing stock for not keeping a woman happy." He told her as she laughed.

"You think we're together?" She asked him as he nodded. The question caught the attention of all of her friends. "We're not together. We're not dating. I will never date you."

"Why?" He asked her.

"I am in love with someone else, I have been since high school." She told them. "Actually, we dated in our senior year and came to college together." Her voice was now getting louder than the music. "But I was too fucking stupid to fucking hide what we had because I was in the popular crowd and they weren't."

"Who was it?" Carol asked her.

"Y/N Y/L/N!" She yelled. "I am in love with Y/N Y/L/N and I am so stupid because of my insecurity, I lost them."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Nat nodded her head behind her.

"Do you mean it?" They asked her when she turned around around.

"Every word." She told them. "I don't want to lie about us. Not anymore. I want to show off what we have." With that Y/N lunged forward and pressed their lips to hers, their hands cupping her cheeks while she held their wrists. "I love you Y/N and I am sorry. So fucking sorry." She whispered as they wiped her eyes.

"I love you Wanda." They smiled before pressing a kiss to her lips. "Let's get out of here." Wanda nodded without looking back at her friends. She didn't care what they had to think about her relationship with Y/N.

"Is it me or did they have some kind of glow up." Nat asked as Carol and Maria nodded in agreement.

When the two had reached Y/N's dorm, Wanda sat on the bed watching Y/N's every move. The two kicking off their shoes and getting into some comfy clothes.

"Will you hold me?" Wanda asked, vulnerability laced her tone.

"Always." Y/N lay on their back, opening their arms for Wanda who didn't waste a second in jumping into their arms. "I'm sorry if I pressured you." They whispered as she moved to hover above them.

"You never pressured me." She told them. "You helped me see my errors and I never want to lie about us again."

Y/N kissed her softly before the two decided to cuddle, Wanda was content as she inhaled their scent, feeling their warmth. Never wanting to go a day without it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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