(W.M) The Woods : Three

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A little over a year ago

Nat looked over at Y/N who stood there holding Wanda. Anger and hatred flashed through her eyes before she stormed towards the two.

"You!" She hit them as Wanda stepped away. "You did this!"

"Nat." Wanda tried as Y/N just let her hit them. Knowing she was in pain.

"You're a murderer." She yelled as she hit their chest over and over again.

"It wasn't me Nat." They told her as she continued to hit them repeatedly. "I would never hurt you or Maria." They told her. When she started to get worn out, Y/N wrapped their arms around her. Allowing her to cry.

"If it wasn't you or us, who was it?" Wanda questioned as Y/N looked passed Wanda to see Tony stood down the hall. Well what they had thought was Tony.

"We're all going to go." Clint drew their attention to Laura and himself as they had their luggage in their hands.

"Where's Tony and Pepper?" Y/N questioned as they looked back down the hall to see it in darkness.

"They were downstairs last we saw them." Laura answered as Y/N nodded. Nat went to stand beside Wanda as Y/N went towards the darkness, where they thought they saw Tony.

"The stairs are this way." Wanda told them as Y/N turned back to look at her.

"Get to the cars, I'll get Tony and Pepper." They told them with a smile.

"Not on your own." Wanda said as they smiled at her, cupping her cheeks.

"Nat is going with you to the car." They told her. "Don't let her out of your sight."

"What about Maria?" Nat asked as Y/N smiled at her.

"I'll bring her out." They told her before dissapearing to find Tony and Pepper as the others made their way downstairs.


Laura lay in the hospital bed, the tubes still down her throat as the machines helped her breath. She was the only one who would be able to clear Nat's name. Especially since no one could take Wanda's word, since she had lost both Y/N and the baby. Everyone claimed her to be delirious and thought that Nat was just agreeing to her story to stay in the clear.

Steve visited her as often as he could with the kids. Hoping that she would wake and clear everything up. But one could only wish.

"We still need Laura's account of things." Jennifer told Nat as she scoffed.

"How could I kill five people and hurt two of my best friends?" She questioned. "I loved them, all of them."

"I know Nat but the judge needs a solid statement from someone who isn't either mentally ill or just playing on their friend's account of things in hopes of getting out of a life sentence." Jennifer told her as Nat shook her head. Tears running down her face.

A little over a year ago

Everyone made their way downstairs to find Pepper stood in the living room. Her eyes widened when she noticed the blood on Nat's hands.

"What happened?" She gasped as she watched everyone head to the door.

"We're leaving." Clint stated as he tried the door.

"Is it locked?" Laura questioned as he shook his head.

"No. It just won't open." He groaned as he tried again. Wanda stood closer to Nat as Y/N looked around upstairs for Tony. When they came up empty, they went back to Maria and wrapped her in the comforter and carried her downstairs.

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