(W.M) I See You : Three

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As the weeks went on, Y/N's hand had finally healed, which they were happy since they couldn't really perform with their left hand. So as they took much needed practice outside of school, Pietro joined them quite a lot. Even though he was a constant reminder of Wanda, but he was a really great friend to have.

"How's the hand?" He asked them as they shrugged.

"It's better." They told him as they picked up the ball. "Hopefully be able to be a starter soon."

"I know you will." He told them as they took a deep breath.

"How is she?" They asked him as they continued to shoot hoops.

"She's ok I guess. She misses you and I think Jarvis hates you right now." He told them making them laugh.

"I think he always hated me." They confessed as Pietro nodded in agreement.

"I don't think she is truly happy with him." He told them as Y/N looked up at him. "She hasn't been to many practices and she hasn't spent much time with him."

"I'm sure she will be happy soon." They told him with a gentle smile.

"Why are you still so kind with her?" He asked as Y/N packed their bag.

"I haven't stopped loving her you know." They told him. "I am just scared to open myself up to her again in my life but it doesn't stop my feelings for her."

"You should tell her." He told them as they shrugged.

"I did in so many words but she doesn't understand them." They told him as they walked to their car. "Do you need a ride home?" Y/N asked as Pietro nodded.

Meanwhile Jarvis was sat with Wanda in her bedroom while her parents were at work and Pietro was out. She was trying to study as Jarvis's hands kept moving up her thigh.

"I am trying to study." Wanda told him sternly as she moved his hand from her.

"Come on Wanda. We have been together for months and I think we're at that stage." He told her with a smirk as Wanda shook her head. What her brother didn't realise was that Wanda was still a virgin. Sure she had made out a lot with Jarvis but that was as far as it would go.

"I'm not ready Jarvis." She told him before he soon moved her books off of the bed before pushing her down.

"I think you could be." He smirked as he hovered over her, his hand massaging her breast roughly as he kissed her neck.

"Just stop. Please." She whispered shakily as he looked back in her eyes.

"Come on, I bet you're already soaked for me." He smirked as his hand went to the waistband of her shorts as she tried to push him away.

"Please stop. I don't want this." She cried as he groaned as he cupped her core. "STOP!!" He headbutted her to get her to shut up as he continued.

That was loud enough for both Y/N and Pietro to hear from the driveway, causing the two to run inside and head straight to Wanda's room. Y/N soon pulled Jarvis away from her and out of the room as Wanda curled up and cried as Pietro followed Y/N.

"When someone says stop you fucking stop." Y/N said as they threw punch after punch to Jarvis's face as he tried to lean against his own car.

"Y/N." Pietro called out as they continued. "Y/N! Stop! You're going to kill him!"

"I don't care." Y/N seethed as they took a step back before turning back to Jarvis. "You are no longer allowed near Wanda or so help me god I will kill you." They punched him one last time before they moved towards Pietro. "You need to be with her right now." Y/N told him.

"She needs you Y/N." Pietro told them as they shook their head no.

"No she doesn't. She has an amazing brother who she needs more." They told him as they helped Jarvis to his feet. "Besides, I need to get this one home." They smirked as they went into his pocket for Jarvis's keys before helping him in the passenger seat before driving him home in his car. Pietro went straight to Wanda's room, finding her curled up as her body shook with her cries.

"Wan?" He spoke softly as he stepped inside her room. "I'm here." He said as he sat beside her, not wanting to initiate any contact in case he made her worse. "I'm here." He told her as she soon turned to him and held onto him as she cried. He held her close, whispering sweet nothings to her as she slowly began to calm down.

"I haven't." She stuttered as Pietro listened to her. "I wasn't ready and I. He." She cried again as he cupped her face, wiping her tears away. "He tried to." She struggled to get out as Pietro just gave her a gentle smile.

"He isn't going to bother you again Wanda." He told her. "Y/N made sure of it."

"Y/N?" She questioned as he nodded.

"They beat me to him." He told her.

"They still care?" She whispered as he nodded.

"They never stopped caring about you Wanda." He told her. Not wanting to tell her the truth about Y/N's feelings. Especially since she has to figure them out for herself.

Pietro stayed with Wanda for hours, which was also how long it took for Y/N to come back and get their car. Only to pause when the sound of a door opening and closing caught their attention. Before they could even see who it was, a body slammed into them.

"Wanda." They whispered as they recognised the smell of raspberry shampoo. "Are you ok?"

"Thank you." She spoke softly as she looked up in their eyes. Their fingers traced the little cut with a trail of dried up blood on her forehead.

"You should have cleaned that." They told her as she soon remembered what they were on about. "Come on." They told her as they gestured for her to lead the way inside. She sat on her desk chair as Y/N went into the bathroom to get the first aid supplies.

"I miss you." Wanda whispered as Y/N pursed their lips and clenched their jaw.

"Then don't." She whispered as they shook their head.

"I still can't forgive you Wanda." They told her honestly.

"Then why did you help me earlier?" She questioned when they were done.

"Just because we aren't in a very good place Wanda, doesn't mean I like to see you taken advantage of." They told her. "I will still protect you Wanda, whether we're talking or not." Wanda noticed the hurt and pain in their eyes. She had never really noticed how different the shade of blue is, it's more of an endless sea, like staring into the abyss and she didn't mind if she was lost forever. "I best go home." They said as they cleaned up the mess. "Jarvis won't be bothering you anymore Wanda." With a lingering kiss to her forehead, they left the Maximoff residence as fast as they could. All that Wanda could think was that it was a goodbye kiss. Signalling the end of their friendship like the end of an era.

"Was that Y/N?" Pietro questioned as Wanda nodded with tears in her eyes. "Everything will be fine Wanda." He reassured her as he wrapped his arms around her as she cried.

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