(W.M) I See You : Five

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Wanda and Y/N had thought everything would be fine, even after Wanda told Jarvis that she wanted nothing to do with him. So as the mid terms ended, Y/N approached Wanda as she stood at her locker.

"Hey, I was thinking that I should take you out on a date." They told her as she smiled, closing her locker and turning to face them with a smile.

"Really?" She asked with a raised brow. The two completely ignoring the daggers they were receiving.

"Really." They straightened up as they slowly took her hand in theirs. "I want to take you on a date before your birthday in a couple of weeks."

"You do know that Pietro wants a party." She told them with a groan as they smirked.

"You should have it for the both of you. Invite some of your old friends." They suggested as she shook her head no.

"Darcy and Monica won't want anything to do with me anymore." She told them sadly as they smiled at her.

"They will, you will just need to reach out to them. Apologise for things and your absence." They told her as she pulled them into her by their shirt. Ignoring the passing glances.

"I was a dick." She told them as they shook their head no.

"You went after something you thought you wanted. Nothing worse was said between the three of you." They said as they brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you." She whispered as they smiled at her.

"I will always be here to help you Wanda. I promise you." They told her as she shook her head.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She whispered as they smiled at her.

"I intend to keep this promise Wanda. For the rest of our lives." They told her.

"You see us going that far?" She questioned as Y/N nodded before kissing her tenderly as the bell rang. The two split of and headed to their separate lessons.

"I warned you Wanda." Jarvis sneered as he walked passed her. Wanda's heart was beating incredibly fast, her nerves about the things he could do swirling through her mind. She tried to forget his words but she couldn't. They kept swirling around her head.

Of course Jarvis knew of the first date plans, he had overheard Y/N talking to Val about their plans. His smirk was growing as he knew what he needed to do.

"Darcy! Monica!" Wanda called out as she followed them to the bleachers, seeing a smiling Y/N walk passed her towards the gym for their lunch time practice.

"Wanda?" Monica spoke in surprise.

"I'm sorry." Wanda said as she tried to catch her breath. The two girls watched her carefully as she got her breath back. "I'm sorry that I completely flaked out on the two of you. I shouldn't have done that and all for a stupid boy."

"Wanda." Darcy started as Wanda shook her head.

"I missed you both. So fucking much." Wanda told them as the two smiled before they pulled her in for a tight hug.

"We missed you too Wan." Darcy whispered as Monica nodded in agreement. The three decided to spend lunch together, catching up on the things they had missed out on. Wanda telling them everything that had happened and listening as the two told her everything that had happened to them.

The night of the date had come and Y/N was excited, as was Wanda. Wanda dressed in one of her dark red skater dresses. She knew that dark red was Y/N's favourite colour on her. She waited patiently for Y/N to arrive which they were on time. They were always on time.

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