(W.M) The Woods: Four

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A little over a year ago

Y/N was fast enough to drag Wanda towards them, Nat and Laura following suit as Pepper tried to reach Tony. Only to see them blood red and his skin greying.

"Tony." She whispered shakily as she watched him stab Clint.

"Why don't we try the salt?" Laura asked as she had tears running down her face.

"Because it's a myth." Nat told her.

"It's worth a shot." Y/N shrugged as Nat scoffed.

"And are you going to run past Tony and get it?" Nat questioned as Y/N shrugged. "God, you are so fucking stupid."

"Do you have any better ideas?" Y/N asked her. Flinching when they heard Pepper scream. Wanda and Laura held each other. "Thought so." They made a quick dash to the kitchen, leaving the axe in Nat's hand who made quick work of smashing the window. Wanting nothing more than to get them out of there.

"Wanda first." She said as she nudged Wanda to the window as Y/N ransacked the cupboards. Once Wanda and Nat were out, Laura was halfway there when Tony dragged her back inside. Her screams piercing the air as the broken glass cut deep into her stomach.

Y/N couldn't find it but they grabbed the butcher's knife which was used to cut the vegetables. Running and tackling Tony to the ground as Nat and Wanda climbed back inside to get Laura. Helping her to the car as she held her insides inside.

"Y/N!" Wanda yelled as she ran back to the cabin once Laura was on the back seat.

"Go!!" Y/N yelled as they looked at Wanda through the broken glass. Wanda went back to the broken window, only to be pulled away by Nat.

"I made them a promise and I am not breaking it." Nat said as she pulled her with her. Both getting in the car and driving as fast as she could.

"They're gone." Wanda whispered as the tears ran down her face. "They're gone."

"You're bleeding." Nat stated as she noticed the blood staining her trousers as Wanda just muttered. Watching the cabin disappear into the darkness. "No. No. No!" Nat yelled as she drove faster, heading to the nearest city hospital.

As soon as she pulled up, Wanda got out and ran straight inside as Nat opened the door for Laura.

"Help. We need help. My friend she." Wanda was pointing towards the door.

"Are you hurt miss?" A nurse came up to her.

"I don't know but my friend." She pointed behind her. "She needs help. It's really bad." She led them to the car to Nat trying to get Laura out of the car.

"I need a gurney out here!" The nurse yelled as she stopped Nat from moving her. "You both need to be check out." She pointed to the two.

"Come on Wanda." Nat pulled Wanda along with her. Taking her to the nearest doctor. Everything happened in a blur.

"I'm so sorry." Was what plagued her mind after the doctor performed the ultrasound before explaining everything. Nat had asked if she could use the phone to call Pietro, who soon rang around everyone.

"I've lost them both." Wanda whispered as Nat looked at her sadly. "Y/N and the baby." She took in a shaky breath. "Oh god. What am I going to do?"

"We are going to get through this Wanda." Nat told her. Squeezing her hand. Steve had went to check on Laura once the kids were left with Monica and Carol.

"Oh my god. Wanda." Pietro came in the room to see his sister broken up. "What happened?" He asked Nat who just shook her head, tears of her own falling as she held Wanda. Comforting her as much as she could.


Wanda was happy to be getting out of the institution. She was happy to go home to her boys. She had missed Billy and Tommy dearly, so she couldn't help but cry when they stood there with Pietro by the car. Holding the two of them close before she shared a smile with her twin.

"Shall we head home?" He asked when they were all in the car.

"Can I see Y/N?" Wanda asked him. "It's just I haven't been since the funeral." She reasoned with him.

"You don't need to explain Wanda." He told her with a smile. Heading to the cemetary, once he was parked up, Wanda got out of the car and walked towards where Y/N lay. Tears in her eyes as she remembered the funeral.

"I'm sorry I didn't come here sooner." She whispered as she looked at the stone. "I just needed to make sense of things. Losing you and the baby took a toll on me." She took a deep breath. "I just needed to be better for the boys. They needed me and I wasn't there, but I will be now. They're going to be my every thought from now on. Of course we'll still remember you. We'll always remember you."

Steve sat beside Laura as she stirred awake, trying to talk but the tube down her throat was stopping her.

"Laura!" He called out as she looked at Steve. "I need a doctor in here!" He yelled. He watched as the nurses and doctors rushed in as he stood against the wall. Tears running down his face knowing the kids will be happy.

Jennifer was the first to visit Nat, tell her about Laura and her statement to the police.

"So since there was no sign of Tony, you are now free." She told her as Nat cried. The first time in a year, tears fell from her eyes. She was free even though she knew she was innocent.

The first place she visited when she was out was the Maximoff's. Pietro being the one to answer the door, stepping a side for her to see Wanda sat on the sofa, cuddled up to the twins as they watched a movie together.

Wanda got up from her seat with tears in her eyes, wrapping a sobbing Nat in her arms. The two were finally free from the hell that had plagued them for a year. Hoping never to relive it. Although their partners will be missed dearly, but they will live each day to the fullest for them.

This is the end guys. I hope you enjoyed it :)

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