(W.M) I See You : Six

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Wanda was beside herself as she lay in her bed, she knew she needed to go to the police and tell them about Jarvis. Everything from when he tried to rape her.

"It will be fine Wanda." Pietro reassured her as she shook her head. Ms Y/L/N had also come by to know what had happened and why Y/N was arrested.

"They're in a detention centre." Y/M/N told them. Miss Maximoff held her hand as she let a few tears escape. "Why did they beat up Stark's kid?"

"It's ok Wanda." Pietro encouraged her, she took a deep breath and struggled to get her words out, so Pietro recalled everything he remembered from that night, leading up to Y/N beating Jarvis up.

"Wanda." Miss Maximoff spoke softly as Wanda cried.

"I'm sorry mama." She sobbed as the two older women shook their heads at her.

"This is not your fault Wanda." Y/M/N told her. "Y/N knew what they were doing."

"But." Wanda tried to tell them about the note and meeting Jarvis.

"It isn't your fault." She told her sternly. "Y/N doesn't blame you for this. They keep asking me how you are."

"I could have stopped him." She whispered as her mom and Y/M/N just observed her.

"No." Pietro told her. "You couldn't have. Y/N wouldn't want you to become some dick's plaything. It was their choice to stop you from doing. They knew what they were getting into."

"I'll tell the police." She said barely above a whisper. "I'll tell them everything."

And that is what she did, she told the police, who also even had the neighbours who had also heard Wanda scream from the house next door. The police had also arrested a very angry Jarvis as his parents were also yelling after the cops as they put him inside the car.

"You did it Wan." Pietro cheered his sister who still looked as broken as the day Y/N was arrested.

"Did I?" She asked him. "Y/N is still in jail and now so is Jarvis, but he will get bail since his parents are rich."

"No Wanda. He has lost every chance at a scholarship or even playing in the pro leagues." He told her. "Besides, Y/N's lawyer will be helping them." He just wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried.

As the days went by, word had gotten around about Jarvis losing his scholarships and being suspended until graduation. Y/N was still in jail, waiting for things to be cleared up.

Wanda had Pietro, Darcy and Monica by her side as most of Jarvis's friends had started to single her out because of her accusations.

"Slut." One of Jarvis's side pieces pushed her into the lockers. Wanda took a deep breath as she remained on her feet. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she went to her next class. That was what her days were like for weeks.

One morning as she was stood beside her locker, her friends just down the hall as she was pushed into the locker once more.

"Hey!!" A voice boomed from down the hall, Pietro was stood smiling as Wanda still hadn't recognised who it is. "Leave her alone."

When Wanda had finally looked up, she smiled when she saw Y/N walking down the hall. She just decided to shut her locker and run straight to them.

"I missed you." She whispered into their neck as she ran right into their arms.

"I missed you too." They smiled, holding her closer than before. When they pulled back from the hug, they looked into her eyes concerned. "Has that been happening a lot?"

"Yeah but it doesn't matter." Wanda shrugged as Y/N shook their head.

"Of course it matters." They told her. "I am going to walk you to every class sweet heart."

"What about yours?" She asked them.

"So I'm a little late." They shrugged as the caressed her cheek. "Can I kiss you?"

"Please." Wanda leaned on her toes as Y/N pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Neither caring that students were still in the hallway.

"Let's get you to class." Y/N told her, wrapping their arm around her shoulders as she wrapped hers around their waist. Wanda couldn't stop smiling at all. Even the name calling that she still recieved couldn't make her smile fade away.

"So, what's basketball going to be like for you?" Pietro asked them as they shrugged.

"I think my dream of making it professional is over but I don't care." They told him. "As long as Wanda is safe, that is all I care about."

As soon as Y/N and Pietro fell into an easy conversation, Wanda couldn't help but think about if they would resent her in the future. Especially since their dream has always been to play in the NBA.

It plagued her mind for weeks until the end of Junior year. Y/N had noticed that she had sort of drifted away from them and they wanted to know why.

"Why are you being distant with me?" They asked her when she opened her bedroom door.

"I'm not." She whispered as Y/N closed the door.

"You are Wanda. You have barely spoken to me for weeks. You have cancelled on our dates and I need to know why? What did I do?" They asked her as she shook her head. Tears falling down her face.

"I just." She wiped her eyes as she played with the hem of her shirt. Y/N's shirt that she had stolen from them. "I don't want you to resent me."

"Why would I resent you?" They asked her.

"Because you won't be playing for the NBA." She whispered as they smiled softly.

"I don't care about that Wanda." They told her. "Dreams can change. Evolve even and having you by my side for the rest of my life has been my dream for as long as I can remember." They caressed her cheek. "So please don't shut me out, I love you Wanda, so fucking much."

"I love you too." She whispered as they soon captured her lips in their own. Kissing her with an urgency that they have never really felt before. Wanda felt with this kiss that she had found her forever person.

10 years later

"So that was when you knew they were the one?" Billy asked as Wanda ran her fingers through his hair.

"I guess my heart always knew but it took my mind and eyes to finally catch up." She told them both.

"Is that why you both always say I See You?" Tommy asked.

"Yes. It's like our mantra." She told them before kissing both of their heads. "Now sleep before I sell all of your toys." She told them jokingly before she turned out the light. Waiting for Y/N to get home.

When they had finished college, they decided to go into advertisement. Wanting to at least have a stable career to support their family.

"How was work?" Wanda asked as Y/N walked through the door.

"Tiring." They told her with a smile before kissing her cheek. Heading straight to the kitchen. Although Wanda had already cooked dinner, Y/N just warmed their food up before sitting at the table to eat as Wanda cleaned around them. Never expecting Wanda to wait to eat with them. "But it is much better now I am home."

"Good." She smiled before handing them a beer. "The boys wanted to hear about our love story."

"Again?" Y/N smiled as Wanda nodded.

"Again." She smiled as Y/N held her waist, swaying slightly before they kissed her softly.

"I love that story." They told her.

"Me too." She kissed them once more before they resumed their dancing in the kitchen. Living the dream together.

The end

Wanda Maximoff and Lizzie Olsen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now