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chapter seventeen.

one month later.

It's been a month since the Mikaelson family departed from Mystic Falls to return home with new transfers. It was something that they were all looking forward to but there was only one problem with the entire departure.

Malik and Rina were nowhere to be found, they had simply left a note saying they would return on their own, and no one has been able to contact them since. When they tried to use a locator spell it simply showed that the two were at the New Orleans Academy, which wasn't true at all.

Matthias and Rhea were worried and could barely focus on their jobs even though both Bonnie and Marcel promised they would begin searching for them when their plane landed as they were back to help the couple plan their upcoming wedding anniversary party.

Finn and Veronica also said they would be searching for the two since they were also on their way back after finishing the final touches to their wedding that they were having this December. It was something everyone was excited about but with this happening, Finn and Veronica were insistent that they would help look for them.

The disappearance of Malik and Rina was the talk of the school, and everyone could see how affected Hope and Natalie were with them gone.


Hope spun around at the sound of someone calling her name, she forced down her disappointment and smiled at Rafael. "Raf, hi."

Rafael wasn't dumb, he could see that she wished it was one of her cousins. "Any news on the twins?"

Hope sighed and shook her head. "They haven't called, haven't texted, we don't know anything aside from their note."

Rafael nodded his head and gave her a small smile. "I'm sure they're okay." He told her honestly. "They'll come home."

Hope nodded her head and gave Raf a wave before running after Natalie. Natalie was in her own world when Hope attached herself to Natalie's arm. "Nat."

"Hi, Hope." Natalie smiled at her softly and the two fell into sync as they walked to the library. "I haven't been able to reach them."

Natalie had been trying to astral project herself into their minds but hadn't been able to do so as it appeared the twins had spelled themselves off from the world. She hated that they had done this, run off without telling anyone but each other. Were they not family? Sure, Natalie was still new, and they had only been together for seven months, but it felt like she had always been a part of the family.

When she had met Kai and Katerina seven months ago on their anniversary, it had taken her two months before she broke out of her shell, and by the third month it was like she had always been there with them.

So, this hurt and maybe the twins knew that they were hurting their family by running off with no explanation whatsoever or any means of contacting them, but right now, all anyone cared about was them coming home.

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Rina and Malik Mikaelson were way over their heads right now.

"We really should just go home." Rina told her brother nervously as they followed behind the woman that was giving them a tour. "We can't miss mom and dad's anniversary party." She reminded him.

"We said that we would take course of our own fate." Malik reminded her softly and Rina bit her lip at that. "But we'll be back before then, we just have to finish this."

After Malik had woken up, Rina had left the party and rushed to her parents room. Matthias and Rhea wanted to talk about what happened in the gym, the feelings that Malik possibly felt, but Malik told them that he couldn't remember what happened. It was a lie, but it was needed since Matthias and Rhea then left the twins alone when Malik asked for a moment.

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