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chapter thirty-nine.

one month later.

"Welcome to the New Orleans Academy!"

Rina and Malik Mikaelson were tasked with showing around the new transfer students, there was only a month left until school ended so they would be joining next school year which gave them time to familiarize themselves with the school.

"I'm Rina Mikaelson, I'm head of the female student body and this is my twin brother." She introduced herself before gesturing towards her brother.

"I'm Malik Mikaelson, the better twin." He joked earning a few laughs as Rina scoffed and shoved him playfully.

"Do you have a role like Rina?" A student asked softly, afraid of being scolded or glared at.

It surprised them when Malik chuckled and shook his head. "No, originally Rina and I were in charge of the football team we have but since we leave this next year to New York, we're slowly getting rid of our titles and passing them on."

"You're leaving?" Someone asked. "What for?"

"Ah, Rina and Malik here have an IQ of 200 and an eidetic memory that puts us all to shame." The sound of Hope's voice had the twins rolling their eyes but nodding in confirmation. "They're moving to better and greener pastures, they're too good for us."

"Please." Rina laughed while shoving Hope. "We only stayed for you and Natalie but now that Malik is feeling better and I go where he goes, this feels right to widen our knowledge."

"Ladies." Malik laughed when he noticed the amused looks that the transfers wore. "Back to the tour, we'll start by showing you the dorm room locations, each specie has their own dorm area, so we don't expect you to not get lost as this school is massive indeed." He explained as they began walking and Hope was now joining the tour.

"Then we'll take the time to show you where the classrooms are at, we have many so its okay if you get lost." Rina said to them with a smile on her face. "Now be prepared to get overwhelmed because it can be a lot, but don't worry, we won't leave you hanging, we'll help out in any way we can."

The tour then proceeded as planned and by the afternoon, they had covered everything they wanted to cover and that was required of them.

"So, any questions?" Rina asked once they had reached the common room area which everyone usually hung out in to either talk with friends or study.

A girl raised her hand and Rina nodded at her. "So, what are the rules exactly?" She asked softly. "I know we were given a pamphlet about the rules and stuff, but genuinely, what are the rules?"

"Well, the pamphlet isn't wrong." Malik started. "It's more of a guide that warns you, there are obvious lines and you're given three chances before the Headmaster has no choice but to expel you and offer you schooling elsewhere."

Rina nodded her head in agreement. "Something to remember is that we're all accepting, we do not discriminate in any way or form, so if you see it happening, tell a teacher because I promise you, we take everything seriously here."

"Most importantly, we're loyal." Hope added with a smile. "Sure, you might bump heads but when its needed, I can guarantee that the other students will have your back."

With that, they concluded the meeting and the three headed off to let Vincent know that they had finished. Or at least they were going to when Rafael showed up and wrapped his arms around Hope from behind, causing the girl to squeal as he did so.

Rafael and Hope had gotten together shortly after their kiss, Rafael had taken her on a couple dates before officially asking her out and Hope said yes. Of course, Niklaus couldn't help but scare the poor boy, but Aurora reeled him in enough that Rafael didn't run for the hills like Hope feared he would.

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