Chapter 14

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By the time the sun had risen for the morning, Tracey's hot and cold fever had gone away and so did her aching. The only pain she had to deal with was from her arm, which was nothing unusual. Reece had no idea what to think, especially when he noticed that she was fine that morning, but he thought he would keep tabs of how Tracey had been feeling. He even sent a text through to Nicky to let her know that Tracey was still in fact getting the fevers and when he had touched her, she was very warm.

On the recommendation of getting a thermometer, Reece did buy one from the local chemist in Yarra Junction. Being told that the infrared thermometer was the best and most accurate he could get, Reece bought it and brought it back home to Tracey. Not giving Tracey a choice, Reece took Tracey's temperature from her forehead and seeing it being above what she claimed was her normal reading, Reece double checked. Yes, it was definitely 37.8 degrees celsius. Sending through the results to Nicky, Nicky had replied with a simple: 'Keep and eye on it, don't want it getting above 38c.' and that Reece did.

Hours later and Tracey was sat outside in Reece's backyard holding onto the stone she had been given to by Reece and Dale. She had wondered if her entire world around her was hidden like it seemed to have been when going to the clubhouse. So she sat there, staring ahead as she gripped onto the stone and then dropped it. To her dismay, nothing happened and she sighed. Obviously the magical world wasn't everywhere and only in certain places.

"I hate to break it to you, but there isn't a secret world in my backyard, beautiful." Reece states, taking a seat down beside Tracey on the grass.

"Yeah, I noticed." Tracey murmured, sounding a tad disappointed. Tracey was just very curious and just knowing that her eyes deceived her to what was actually around, she did want to know more. That included Reece and his werewolf heritage. Yes she was still scared of him, but she was genuinely curious. She had a real life werewolf fretting over her, why wouldn't she want to know more. "Can I ask you something?" Tracey turned her head, facing the handsome biker. He was still a bit bruised up, but otherwise he looked fine. He did look tired though, especially since he didn't sleep that much after his biker 'run'.

"You just did." Reece offered her a sweet smile.

Tracey returned a small smile and rolled her eyes. "That's not my question." Taking a moment to sift through her thoughts, Tracey peered away from Reece. "Can you be turned into a werewolf?"

Reece immediately shook his head. "No, for a werewolf to be a werewolf, you have to be born with the gene." He answers honestly. "You cannot be turned into one, it's not possible."

Tracey thought for a moment. "If that's the case, why am I still feeling like shit?"

Reece takes a breath. "I don't know, I wish I did. Nicky did say you'll be feeling shitty for a couple of weeks, so I'm guessing that's the case." Reece slowly wraps an arm around Tracey, pulling her in close. "If I could make you feel better or take it all back, I would."

Tracey knew he would if he could, but still it was because of him that she was feeling like this. If he hadn't of shifted and attacked her, none of this would be happening. "What's the deal with the club, is that all of the werewolves or is there an actual pack as well?" Tracey changed the topic slightly.

Reece was glad that Tracey was asking questions, to him that was important and for her to accept who he was, she needed to understand. "Beyond the club, there is a pack. At the start, the club was used as an excuse for everyone to be around each other all the time, it also helped with segregating ourselves from normal people and getting away with it without question. On top of that, the club protects and finances the pack."

Tracey only half understood what he meant. "So there are more werewolves?"

"There sure is. Our pack is bigger beyond the club. But there are also other packs out there, we aren't the only ones around." Reece stared down at the black moonstone in Tracey's grasp.

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